Loved forevermore

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So this story was actually based on an example sentence I saw in my English review. But because this idea was perfect for a parent..... I will consider this a oneshot for one of my favourite books. "Adventures of Grian and Daddy" by @Hermitfan

HermitFan I hope you enjoy this oneshot! ^°^

Now guys I'm just gonna give you a little warning: this fluff and angst, aka flangst. But I feel like majority of this is angst.

Because this is the first ever story I made that gave me so much feels. A love for a father always gets me every single time so..... I almost broke my soul whilst making it.


~~~Mumbo's POV~~~

Guys... I know that one day I'll die, either by accident, or old age or whatever.... But I feel like redstone will be the death of me.

Tirelessly I tried coming up with a complex redstone contraption to put in the Sahara warehouse. But hour after hour of placing and replacing every redstone wiring, and connecting all the redstone circuits, it wouldn't even make a single piston extend.

I kept cursing myself everytime I do something, rebuilding it all over again. I've been doing this for 10 hours now, and yet I failed to realize the time. It was already 7:22 pm, and I still can't think of a way to perfect this!

"Hey Daddy, watcha dowing?" A young voice said,

"Just redstone stuff Grian, don't mind the m- GRIAN DON'T STAND NEAR THE REDSTON-!!" It was when I realized that the 4th redstone circuit I made unexpectedly turned into ruins. Grian stood beside it, not moving an inch after I yelled.

"Grian... What did you do?" I asked sternly. There was a slight fear that tingled in his son's eyes. "N- nothing?" He stuttered, his body started vibrating. "Then what's that I see?" I pointed at the ruined circuit.. 

"I-did not touch w-wedstone-" he let out a little gulp.

I frustratedly sighed as a held a steady grip on Grian's shoulder. "How many times have I told you not to go near the redstone everytime daddy works?" I asked again sternly. He didn't mutter  a thing, he just stayed quiet....

"J-Just.... Just go to your room and do whatever, I'll call you when dinner is ready." I replied with no concern or comfort in my tone, I still was in no good mood. Grian gave a quick little nod before silently running towards the door....

Was I a bit too hard on him?....

~~~ 2 hours later~~~

I still was trying to work out the contraption but the only sounds I heard was the sound of failure and phantoms... When I realized the time, it was already 10:22?!! GEEZ!! I actually hope Grian ate dinner while I was working!

When I walked towards the kitchen, a small bowl of mushroom stew boiling hot rested on the little table, along with a box wrapped messily on the table. It came along with a little note near the box...

To: Dady
From: Grian

Now I started feeling bad for being that stern with him... Once I opened the box, I was confused to find nothing inside the box, the contents was empty....


I turned around to hear the door squeak, there stood a small little figure, peeping from beside the door. He realized that I saw him so he immediately started running away from the room. "Grian?" I called out, chasing after him along with the box still resting in my hands.

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