A poetic man to the rescue

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                               After the war was over, Joehills was just exploring around the hermitcraft server. Wondering what he should do during his spare time. Mostly he's just at G-team's base, doing some projects here and there. But there is really no point in working on their base. As he reaches near the beach, he sits down and gets his book and quilt. "What should I write today?" He asked himself. Suddenly he sees a flying dot in the distance. "LOOK OUT?!!" The flying figure yelled as Joe immediately moves to the right, dodging it as the hermit fell right beside him. *THUD*    
                              Joe was not even surprised who crashed on the ground. Mumbo was next to him, as he tries to clean the dirt on his suit. "Sorry about that Joe, lag had given me problems flying." Says Mumbo. "Obviously, your base is the WHOLE source of the lag, you need to do some lag busting Mumbo? Before you even dig my grave." Joe complains sarcastically as Mumbo felt hurt. "Joe, that's mean" Mumbo pouts as Joe chuckled at the mustache hermit. Mumbo fixes his elytra and starts to stand up"I'll be off the-" he then fell in the ground with a wince of pain as he holds his leg. Joe looked at him with a sigh. "Mumbo, did you sprain your ankle?" Joe says as Mumbo blushes embarrassingly and starts to scratch his head. "Maybe?" He says with a nervous laugh. Joe then immediately checked his inventory and got some bandages. " geez Mumbo, you really should be careful." He says as he wraps his leg with bandages. " For now, just rest it up a bit, no redstone before you kill this server to pieces. He says as he helps Mumbo walk to his base. Mumbo knew he was annoyed with his redstone lag but he knew he was just worried of him. "Thx Joe..." he says as Joe smiles at him.
                         After that, he immediately flies around the server, to bored to write anything. He then sees False, looking like she needed help repairing her base. "What happened to your base?" He says as he sees holes and missing blocks all around her base. She then tears up, immediately hugging Joe. "I-I was an idiot..." she says as she tried not to cry too much. " I was f-finally finished making decorations and upgrades on my base, and then... I accidentally put a r-redstone block near a chest full of tnt in my storage and...." she stops as Joe knew the results. "The d-damage was too much... and I was up all night, f-fixing my base...." Joe patted her back as he then had an idea. "I'll fix it False... you need to rest?" He says as False was about to stop him but Joe immediately place down a bed on the ground and pushes her down onto the bed. "Give me your blocks?" He asked as False looked at him, still tears on her eyes and gives him the blocks. "I owe you one Joe." She says as her eyes slowly closes and drift of to dreamland. He then started repairing the base, still admiring the chicken in a Grian costume.

                          After some time finishing the base, leaving a happy False once again. He then stops by at the rocket shop and buys some rockets. But then sees Doc, investigating . Doc was a strong hermit but for some odd reason looked a little bit spooked. So he then approached Doc introduced by a trident near his face. "HEY, HOW RUDE?!!" Joe complains as Doc realized it was just Joe. "Sorry, you surprised me" Doc then kept investigating the water. "What's up with you? Your not acting like your usual self." He says as Doc looked at him with a pale face, shooting a salmon. " You have probably heard about the salmon ghost who haunts the HRN?" Joe nods. "I saw the salmon head in my base and I have been spooked ever since!" Doc says hastily as he looked like he was having a heart attack. "Calm down, Doc, calm down." Joe says as he rubs his back." Just breathe in and breathe out" he says with a calm voice, and Doc followed. He then reached a bucket of milk and gives it to the creeper hybrid. After almost 11 minutes, Doc finally calmed down. Joe secretly took the dead salmon floating on the water and bid Doc farewell. " Thx again Joe" Doc says.

                        Joehills felt tired from all the problems that the hermits have, but it was all worth it. He then sees a Con Corp drone on top of Grian's pillars. As he was about to fetch it and bring it to Cub and Scar, the sun was setting and Grian's pillars wasn't lit up so well. Which results in mobs appearing in the future. So he put torches on each pillar. Finally he was finished, so he left the base and took off in the orange sky. As he lands at the country club, he gives it back to Cub and Scar. Joe, who left the country club, felt too tired to fly back home just walked. The sun was almost gone and Joe just sat near a tree, laid to rest as his eyes felt heavy and fell asleep....

                        Joe's eyes felt a beam of light. "It couldn't be daytime, don't tell me I slept?" He thought to himself. What's strange is that he felt a soft pillow on his head. He woke up, realizing he was in a bedroom. Seeing the design of this room, knew immediately that he was in Con Corp's country club."I don't remember sleeping here?" He thought to himself as he sees a letter on the crafting table. He opened the letter and read it out loud:

Family not by birth,
But good fortune.
Family not by blood,
But by a hermitcraft
It's not flesh or blood,
But your heart.
Not by just pitying yourself,
But pitying each other.
Even when those days,
You struggle to like us.
Not even lag,
Will stop you from us.
A father exhausted,
Is the children you supported
With gratitude and respects,
Were alright now,
Just rest...

               -Hermits (this took us 5 hours Joe so you better thank us and the other hermits?)

                               Joe who was in shock, felt something wet on him... " Your awake, I made breakfast for you" says Cub as Scar also comes in. "Next time, you could have asked us if you wanted to take a break in our Country club for a while?" Says Scar as he realizes that Joe was actually crying. "Joe?" Asked Cub. "You ok?" All Joe could do was smile at them, feeling this warm feeling inside. "Do I really act like a father for you all?" Cub and Scar looked at each other and slightly chuckled at Joe's naivety. "Obviously!" Says Scar happily. "True you already have a wife and kids.... but there are times that you help us like a father. Even if the other hermits are older than you, your still the father of hermitcraft." Joe never realized this, but now he did. He felt thankful to the other hermits.

(Bonus Chapter, while making the letter)

                                  "Why me?" Grian says with confusion. "Dude, your half alright with letters and stuff. You even made hints and riddles during the head hunt" Says Doc as Mumbo, False, Cub, Scar, and the other hermits nodded. Grian sighed "only for Joe"...

(This was dedicated for someone special in wattpad, we can say they loved Joehills. That's what I read in their tag anyway.) ;)

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