Enter the flames

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Ladies and gents, I'm going back to making small angst mini series again. My last angst series was "Infections to Dreams.

Actually it's really "Literature Stray Hermits" but I have lost all motivation for that story really. -.-

Or was it my Bloody Hermitcraft My- *Sam glares at me*

Never mind. °^°

The song "First Burn"by Hamilton is actually my inspiration for this story. But only the burning part! Not the wife problems! The story of first burn is beyond from being my reference.

So yeah, the song just gave me the idea. XD

~~~Iskall's POV~~~

"Hey Mumbo! Are you there?!"

I swooped in beside the Mumball, landing on the bumpy surfaces of the mustache man's base. I've been waiting patiently for Mumbo to go end busting with me, yet he didn't show his little mustache face in the end. I tried looking for him everywhere, his projects, the witch farm, Sahara, even his bunker. This was the only place left for me to search?

"Mumbo?!" I called out again. Now I was starting to get a bit frustrated. Where in diorite hell is Mumbo?! "Mumbo I swear to God, if you actually forgotten our promise I will kill yo-" I suddenly heard something burning... Well, it smelled like something was burning.

Surprisingly there was a grey trail of smoke, roaming from beneath the concrete blocks. Once I went down at long last I found him! "Mumbo finally! I was looking for you for hours!" I complained but it didn't look like he was listening. My patience was slowly woring off.

"Mumbo what are-" I paused.... Mumbo continuesly started throwing pieces of papers on the campfire, leaving the paper to slowly dissolve into ashes. But what surprised me was the fact that those were letters he was burning, I looked at the contents of the papers and most of them were signed by Grian.

"Geez dude, seems mean to burn those letters from Grian don't ya think?" I reasoned but he continued on anyway.

"I burn anything that feels useless to me Iskall...." Mumbo finally replied.

"Okay, now that's a bit too harsh."

He suddenly grabbed.... A familiar looking trident?......oh god! I straight recognized it once he was about to toss it towards the fire. I swiftly grabbed it before he could even think of throwing it away. "Your burning your fork of friendship?! The fork of friendship you were so cautious to protect?!"

"I burn anything useless to me....." He repeated his same answer.

"But that trident was given to you by Grian. You two have been friends ever since 2016, even if he wasn't with us during that time. That's just throwing away the friendship he gave you!"

Once Mumbo turned around to face my furious expression, his face was.... emotionless. His eyes were mysteriously mixed fiery red and orange, liked it mirrored the flames even if he wasn't looking at the fire. Grabbing the trident I took from him.

"Then maybe friendship feels useless too me....."

My eyes widened in horror, as he took another familiar trident in his other off hand.... I gave that one to Mumbo during our last end busting mission, it was to owe him for saving my life in demise. (In which I won, hehehehehe).

He tossed both tridents in the campfire without hesitation, watching it slowly rust from the exposed heat of the flames. My mind was in full fiery rage, but at the same time my chest froze ice cold, I didn't notice at first but a tear formed beside my eyes, blurring the light of the fire.

Neither me or Mumbo said a single word. But his expression looked rather amused whilst the tridents slowly bends its form, but it still looked dull.

I didn't mutter a single word to tell that I'm leaving. I immediately scavenged for my rockets and straight of flew away, away from the base, my blurry vision was annoying but I did not even bother to wipe the tears and just continued flying.....

~~~Mumbo's POV~~~

As the swede flew away from view, I took a few stacks of diamonds and one by one, tossed them towards the flames. After all, diamonds were always a useless item an-



I mind snapped back, I realized the diamonds in my hands, and how my hand was near the fire- "YAHHH!" I fell bottom first on the ground, rubbing the stinging feeling in my hand. "Owww..."


The pain suddenly disappeared, and my mind felt empty again. I slowly picked up the diamonds again, and tossed them one by one to the fire again.

"Everything is useless....."

~~~~~To be continued~~~~~

Just a little heads up, no the story is not mainly about the Architects. I already wrote a series about them. XD


May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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