A fork to remember

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(Note: I recommend you to read "An Unforgettable Forgiveness Part 1 & 2" before reading this. And if you did, then ignore this little note of mine and continue reading. This is my longest chapter ever.

(Also give credit to AquaticFangirl2 and a few other people who joined the q and a for this idea, deserves more credit than me actually)

Mumbo was busy working on his pumpkin and melon farm near the watch farm. Surprisingly, there was no technical errors to his redstone, it was quiet flawless.

It was probably a stroke of luck or something but whatever it is, it really was a great day for him.

The sky was clear, the air was cool, the lava beneath him was warm. It's gonna be a peaceful day for our favourite mustache hermit. (Or so he thought)

While he planted some more seeds for the farm, he realized that he ran out of pumpkin seeds, so when he went to his inventory to check if he had more seeds.

There was a lot of junk like some dirt blocks or worn out leather boots in his inventory and was wondering how on earth did he get these boots.

So as he threw the rubbish to the lava, he accidentally pressed a different slot and threw something that made a great deal to him...

As the precious object burned in the lava, Mumbo was in horror, his eyes widened, and his heart froze. Soon he heard someone land behind him.

"Howdy Mumbo, what are you up to?" Asked Joehills as he waits for a response. He walked up to him, revealing Mumbo's eyes filled with shock and regret. "You ok?"

Mumbo kept quiet for almost a minute, leaving Joehills confused and curious. Soon he heard a slight mumble. "I threw my fork of forgiveness in the lava...."

Joehills looked at him with more confusion "You mean the fork of friendship?"

Mumbo shook his head. "No, the fork of forgiveness..... the one that Grian gave to me as an apology gift....."

" Grian will probably understand that it was an accident, it's Grian" responded Joe.

"No, this is unacceptable!" Snapped Mumbo as he got his rockets and flew off, leaving Joehills alone in the farm. "How rude" complained Joe as he flew off and try to catch up with Mumbo.


Mumbo landed on his base, he paced around, hoping that it was just a stupid nightmare. Iskall landed near him, wondering what was up with the pacing and stress.

"Bro, are you alright?" Asked Iskall as Mumbo stopped pacing and looked at him in the eye. "Pinch me Iskall...." Iskall looked at him, confused and slightly surprised about Mumbo's tiny request.

Iskall pinched him, causing Mumbo wince a bit. Then he continued pacing around the place. "Seriously Mumbo, what is up with you?" Asked the concerned swedish hermit.

Mumbo still kept pacing, ignoring whatever Iskall is saying. He then heard rockets coming up to his base. He so desperately hoped it was any other hermit but Grian, he's even ok if it was Evil X for once.

But fate had to give him such terrible luck as british hermit landed on the ground gracefully. "Hey Mumbo, I saw you pacing around a lot while I was flying, you alright?" Asked Grian.

Mumbo suddenly flew away from Grian an Iskall, causing Grian to follow him and leave a lonely Iskall. "Welp" pouted Iskall.

"Hey Iskall, did Mumbo by any chance passed by here?" Asked Joehills as he landed beside him.

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