More Story Ideas

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So today I want to share with you some of my story ideas. You can choose what story I can make or you want to use that idea for your story.

Just pls make sure to tag, because I want to see how you did with my story ideas. ^°^

-Ren dresses as a butler for fun and goes around the server showing everyone his gentleman charm.

Honestly I have no idea where I got this idea from. 😂

-TFC spots Jellie in the shopping district and plays with her all day till he can find Scar and return her.

More TFC moments and this time with the one and only Jellie! :D
If only Maui or Pearl would be added in Minecraft. Ú^Ù

-Tango goes on a mental breakdown until two hands rested on his shoulders.

If you realized, I never made a ZIT story at all, so I want to try making one someday. 😳😳😳

-Joe realizes that the girls of the server felt a bit left out, in which he wants to change that.

In my defense, it's been a while since I saw any stories about False, Stress and Cleo. Who knows? I might have to catch up on other stories.

-Most of the hermits starts to get annoyed with Grian for getting more attention from his view. Grian finds out about this and chooses not to disturb the hermits for a while, pretending like nothing ever happened.

Fun fact, I had this idea for a month now but I'll wait till the time is right. But I want to see others try making this story, using this idea. ;)

-Keralis and Bdubs try to stay cautious around Xisuma considering that he's part of the dead team now. They all know it's all fun and games! But little do they know that keeping their distance from him might be hurting his feelings a little bit?

This is actually based off Keralis' recent hermitcraft video and I felt bad for laughing at the distrust Bdubs and Keralis had for Xisuma. 😅😅😅
Plus it's Idea fluff!

That's all for now, feel free to use these ideas. ^°^


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