Just Joe

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I've been running out of ideas lately so I went to my other hermitcraft book and brought back a story I made months ago.
This is definitely not a short Doki Doki Au! ^°^

~~~ Joe's POV~~~

There I was, seated on this old wooden chair, staring at your eyes.  The room was dim but it had enough light from the void of stars and clouds outside this room. As long as I was able to see your face, then I don't care how dark it would get.

I looked under my desk and grabbed a small notebook along with my heart pen and slid it across the table to your side. "I made a poem yesterday, I was hoping if you would be the first person to read it" I suggested, eagerly waiting for an answer.

You just silently nodded and opened the notebook. As you read the poem I couldn't help but notice how cute your little face was as you read my poem. It's no wonder Cleo, Grian and Stress fell in love with you.... it's too bad that I deleted them though.....

You slowly closed the notebook, looking down on the table "It was  good" you responded, filling Joy in my heart. "I'm glad you like-" I paused when I realized, you stood up from your chair and walked towards the window.

I didn't excepted at first but suddenly you started crying at the corner of my eye. "Are you ok?" I asked you, giving you a comforting hug. "Why Joe?...." you mumbled, getting my attention. "Yeah?".....

You stayed quiet in my arms for a while now but you suddenly held your fist tight. "Why Stress? Why Cleo? Why Grian? Why did you remove them!" You escaped from my grasp, sobbing on the cold floor.

I couldn't help bit feel a bit.... guilty.... for hurting you like this. And before I knew.... you went to settings and placed my file near the trash bin. "There is no stopping me now Joe, I'll do it!" You threatened me. "I'll delete you and there's no turning back!"

Your eyes were red and your body was shaking. I was about to say something.... till.... I paused.... putting my fist near my chest. I don't know why but I too was suddenly crying... but I just gave you a genuine smile, reaching my hand for you.

"If you do, there is no stopping. But can I please touch your hand..... one last time?" I requested. You took a while but you silently agreed. You slowly ascend your hand and put it near me. I put my other hand on top of yours and enjoyed my last time with you.

I pulled your hand towards my body, giving you the last hug I'll ever enjoy with you, trying not to let out a sob or a sound. One tear has managed to slip past my facade.

You tried to free your left hand from the hug and reached out for the settings...... you placed my file inside the trash bin..... and my hands started to disappear, slowly turning into particles. I couldn't help but smile at you, tugging my hands in my pocket. And before I knew it...... I was gone......


















~~~Your POV~~~

"HEY, WAKE UP!!" I suddenly opened my eyes, greeted by a short hair brunette. "S-Stress?" I stuttered. "Your here? I thought Joe-" I paused when Stress looked at me in confusion. "What are you talking about? And who's Joe?" She asked.

It took me a while to process my memory, but just shook my head at her. "Never mind, probably just dreaming." I gave her a concerned smile. "Stress, how is it you keep on bringing your little of yours here?" Grian walked up to us,  slightly annoyed by the fact that he sees your stupid face every single day.

"Oh come on G, she's part of the Literature Club." Cleo nudged Grian's side, hugging her little book near her chest, before she suddenly frowned infront of me.

"Your part of the literature club, aren't you?" Cleo asked nervously. I gave all of them a warming smile and nodded. "Guess I am." I replied, and immediately Stress just dragged me inside the club room.

"Welcome to the Literature Club!"

~~~The End~~~

I'll be honest here, why would you delete Joe? He's an amazing hermit!

Just Joe

Just Joe

Just Joe

Just Joe

Just Joe

Just Joe

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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