An Unforgettable Forgiveness (Part 2)

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Mumbo immediately knew what to do to make up for Grian, but first he went to the district area and buy some more resources. As he was rushing around, Doc and Xisuma went up and greeted; "Hey Mumbo, what are yo-" Sorry guys, can't talk right now." Mumbo says as he immediately took off. Doc and Xisuma looked at each other confused. " What was that all about?" Doc asked as Xisuma shakes his head for I don't know. And lastly, he went back to his base, to search something he once had in the past. At least he found it and immediately went to the enchantment table.

Thanks to Iskall, he managed to distract Grian away from his base. Which he still questioned how in the world did he do it?.... Iskall's Iskall, he has many tricks up his sleeves. So he flew to Grian's base, passed the archway and landed on the white concrete floor. He knew Iskall can't keep Grian distracted forever, so he didn't have enough time. As he uses white, yellow, black, and red concrete, he builds a chicken in a Poultry Man Costume. (Yes... a chicken in a Poultry Man Costume, why?) Mumbo puts a chest on the front, and puts a book and something special. (Surprises later) Seeing as his work is done, he flew off. He was so finding a way to thank Iskall for helping him. As he lands on his island, he saw something on top of his base. " Oh god, please don't tell me this is another Bumbo?" He sighed in exasperation. As he flew up to his base, his eyes were widened."Oh my word!" He exclaims. It was a giant spoon... with a mustache of course, and a suit. While inspecting the statue, a chest below the spoon caught his curious eye. He landed near the chest, and found a book. He read opened it and read out loud.

" What would be better for the spoon? Giving him a little present afternoon. Hope will see each other again very soon."

Still wondering who wrote this, he opened the chest and gasped at what he saw inside the chest. It was an enchanted armour, tools....and a.. trident, just like the one he lost in the lava. Except it wasn't called the fork of friendship. It was the fork of forgiveness instead. He was still in shock. "D-Don't tell me... it was..." he hastily flew up again. And seeing he was to deep in thought about who he think gave him the present, unexpectedly bumped into another hermit, both slowly landing near the coast of the statue of hermity. Surprisingly, it was Grian Mumbo bumped into, still rubbing the pain on his head. "GRIAN, I-I AM SO SORRY, DID I HURT YOU OR ANYTHING?! DO YOU STILL REMEMBER MY NAME?! Mumbo says with a panic. Grian, still looking a bit dazed responded back. "..... Spoon?" Mumbo's mind was broken to bits. "Don't tell me I gave him amnesia?!" Mumbo thought, worried about we he had done.

But he heard a chuckle from the hermit. "Only kidding Mumbo" he laughed slightly but truly. Mumbo thought to himself, he doesn't deserve seeing Grian laughing, after what he said to him. Grian surprisingly was in shock, as Mumbo bows down on the floor. " Grian, I am so sorry for everything I said to you! I shouldn't have known you with never prank me this far, while I acted like a big stupid spoon! A SPOON!!...." he says as he tries to hold back the tears... Mumbo reacted as Grian puts his hand on his shoulder, with a caring smile. " Mumbo, no need to be sorry for yourself. You were just a little moody, that's all." He says as he helps him up. "But.... what I s-said to you..." Mumbo says as Grian looked back down with a serious face. "True those words hurt.... and their true... still don't know why I was even invited to Hermitcraft in the first place..." he says as Mumbo felt guilty for saying those terrible words. But suddenly Grian smiled as he shows him the present Mumbo gave him... a trident. " Seeing your present actually made me feel better" Grian replied as he pouts. " I'm flabbergasted, how did you give me a better name for the trident than the name I made for your trident?! " Grian complains.

" I named yours the fork of forgiveness, while you named mine the fork of family. I seemed a bit unfair! He says as Mumbo realized, Grian gave him the trident... and armour, and tools." W-Why did you give me?" Grian looked at him with a bit of guilt on his eyes. " I should really be more careful with people visiting my base. It's kinda my fault that you lost your stuff just because of some lava I never even bothered removing." Grian says as he was pulled into a hug by Mumbo, who was in tears... "T-Thank you Grian" Grian who was quiet touched with his comment replied back. "Your welcome Mumbo"....

(Somewhere else)
Iskall was somewhere hiding, and smirking like an idiot. Feeling happy that his plan actually worked. " So your saying, you convinced Grian and Mumbo to forgive each other with the same idea?" Rendog asked. " I can't let the server be eggless and spoonless without those two... you know... egging and spooning." He says as he watches the sunset. Rendog looked the sunset also, realizing he's right. Nothing is different without our hermits, just being hermits.....

(Bonus Chapter)

"Mumbo I have a question? Why did you make a chicken in a Poultry Man Costume in my base again?" Grian asked as Mumbo fixed his bowtie. " I mean... your poultry man aft- " FOR THE LAST TIME I'M NOT POULTRY MAN!! POULTRY MAN IS THE GUY IN THE CHICKEN COSTUME, IT COULD BE ANYONE!! Grian complains as Mumbo rolls eyes, thinking of his friend's childishly acts. As he and Grian finishes the last top on the sculpture. "There we go, a statue of Iskall made of diorite" Grian says happily. Mumbo puts a sign, with a smirk on his face.

"Thx for the help, here is your payment"

As he finishes the sign, he puts a stack of diamonds as a thank you gift, for his advice. The pair left Iskall's base, hoping he finds it.

The End...

(I had to, it was tempting. Iskall had to be pranked back. He was the one who started the Civil War after all.) ;)

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