Literature Stray Hermits "Dark Era"

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This story is based on an anime called bungou stray dogs season 2. And I'm in love with this anime for a year and a half now. ;D

So I wanted to bring it to hermitcraft! ^•^

So yeah, good luck understanding it if you never watched the anime.

~~~ ??? POV~~~

I walked down the dim alleyways, hearing the sound of cars beeping behind me. I looked up to see Bar Lupin's sign, hanging by the entrance. I removed one of my hands from my pocket and slowly opened the door.

I entered, descending from the stairs. I was welcomed by the calming music playing by the radio, the scent of alcohol was all around the room. "Ahhh, you've finally arrived." I looked near the stool to see a strawberry blonde man sitting by the bar.

"I see you have more bandages than yesterday" I replied, sitting beside the young man. "You realized huh?" He chuckled, playing with the ice that was in his drink. "I mean, you know me. There really is no such thing as too many bandages." He finished his last sentence.

"Hmmm... I'll get the usual pls" I requested the bartender, but it seems that he's already half way done with my drink.

Grian, was one of the Port Mafia's most feared executors. The youngest one in the history of the Port Mafia. A bandaged man full of dark mysteries. And yet I still don't know how I, a low ranked member, had every right to talk to this dangerous gremlin.

"Wanna now how I got these bandages?" He leaned near me, seemed a little eager to explain it to me. "How?" I asked, receiving the drink from the bartender. "Once again I tried to end my life by the river but was unsuccessful." He pouted a bit before he continued.

"Ended up getting beaten up by my partner for wasting his time during the mission. Of course I knew where the target was so there really was no need for him to worry much. So I went up to the target and asked him to shoot me!" Grian exclaims, I just looked at him before I drank my drink.

"He didn't shoot." I replied, ended up making the bandaged man glare at me.

"No need to rub it in." He pouted. "Why can't any of my targets at least end my life?!" He whined like a child. "Dunno" I continued drinking. "Men are really cowards, can't even shoot a pistol" he kept complaining. Still not sure if he realized that he's shaming every man on earth including himself.

A sudden bell rang near the door, a man in a dark pink suit descended down the stairs, his red robotic eye was seen on his face, carrying a suitcase with him. "Doc glasses himself has finally came out from his office" Grian exclaimed a bit.

He sat at the other side of the young man, placing his case on the counter. "The usual?" The bartender asked, but the man shook his head. "Just tomato juice, I'll be driving tonight." He replied, fixing his glasses. "Did I miss anything" he looked at the both of us.

"Nothing really, its just the usual antics" I replied, triggering the blonde man a bit. "FYI, a man didn't shoot me!" Grian complained but he just rolled his eyes. "I don't want to hear your suicidal antics." He replied.

Doc, the Port Mafia's Secretary. A very well organized man, mostly found in his small little library working out all the files and gameplans for the boss. Not really the man who knows the word fun, but we somehow ended up close with him.

"What about you? How was your day... Joe?" Doc sipped his drink, waiting for my answer.

I, Joe, am a low ranked Port Mafia member. One of the reasons why I'm known is because I'm called the assassin who doesn't kill. I gave up with that career, probably the reason why I'm a low ranked member. But I never cared about ranks.

"Not to exciting, I managed to capture an assassin stealing one of our equipment, found one of the Port Mafia members spilling the beans to another organization, may have scolded a kid for stealing candy." That last statement was probably unecessary to mention.

But for some reason Grian's eyes sparkled like an inspired  child, making Doc uncomfortable with Grian's mood. "Joe, how about we switch jobs! I wanna kick people's Butt's too!" He exclaimed but Doc just facepalmed beside him.

"I don't even know if you'd come back alive Grian" Doc mumbled, I nodded. "Yeah, you might even explode." I replied, continuing my drink. "EXPLODE?!!" Grian exclaimed, but he just looked at Doc with excitement in his eyes.

"YOU HERE THAT DOC, THERE IS A CHANCE THAT I COULD DIE!!" He continued talking about it happily, but Doc just sighed deeply.

"You are impossible Grian, you know that?"


It took a while but we manage calm down the mafia excecutive before he could even faint. The three us sat there, enjoying our drinks. All I hear was the calming music playing and the squeaking of the glass from the bartender.

"Let's make a toast" Grian raised his glass of alcohol "Is there any occasion?" I asked but he just shook his head. "No occasion, to the stray hermits" he replied. Me and Doc looked at each other for a while till we lifted our drinks near the other.

"To the stray hermits!" The three us of said in sync, and the clashing of the glass echoed through the bar.....

After raising our drinks down, Grian just suddenly leaned near Doc. "Do you have a camera?" He asked. Doc just blinked before he went to get something inside his case. "Surprisingly yes" he stood up, started to position the camera on the table.

"Is there any reason to take a picture?" I curiously asked, but Grian just smiled at me. "Its to show proof that we three hanged out here." He explained, Doc came back and sat on his stool. "I see...." I replied.

"Joe, the camera." Grian instantly replied. I looked at the table to see a cat near the camera. After I heard the meow, a flashed illuminated the bar......


Surprisingly...... Grian was right. There really was a reason to show everyone that we three hanged out together in this bar..... Because without any of us expecting it......

One of us died........

~~~To be continued~~~

What do you think, should I continue this story?

Because I'm actually enjoying this. XD

It's like hermitcraft bungou stray dogs AU. ^•^

Funny story, I think me and hautedlife were describing the hermits as bsd characters and it somehow inspired me to make this, lol.

But anyways, tell me whether to continue this or not.

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Reflecting the sea
Ladies and gents! ;)

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