Mumborella (pt. 2)

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(My reasons to why I haven't written this in almost a month? Simple, I was a complete idiot to forget about it. -.-)

Joe tried his best to stop giggling but he couldn't help it, although he tried his best to continue his role. "Once her stepmother and stepsisters came back, they all were very pissed about the mystery girl."

"Correction, pissed about me still wearing a dress" hissed Doc as False and Stress were not that serious about their role.

"Doc, I swear to god I won't hesitate to put you in a bikini if you keep complaining about dresses" taunted Cub with a smirk.

Doc glared at him with annoyance as Mumbo was fidgeting around about losing his mustache.

"As Mumborella went back to her bedroom, she danced around. Felt so happy to dance with her prince charming, she felt like she wanted to scream!" Says Joe.

"Yeah, I feel like screaming at Concorp!" Yelled Mumbo as he embarrassingly plays around with his dress like he's dancing around the room. Again, you can hear Iskall laugh even more historically in the audience.

"Soon message received that the prince shall find the mystery girl and fit every maiden's shore in the kingdom." Says Joe.

Stress finally got serious, and did her role. "Oh I can't wait till the prince comes!"

"Come on my princesses, let's dress you two up!"  False happily as she smirked at Doc.

"The prince soon arrived to their house, revealing a mustache?" Joe had literally forgotten that it was mustache not shoe. But he continued anyway.

Grian tried his best not to laugh and said his lines " You two dear maidens shall try on this wonderful mustache!"

"No way, I'm a girl!" Yelled Stress as she left the room. "I don't mind" suggested Doc. "I always wanted to try Mumbo's mustache anyway." Mumbo looked at him betrayed. "My mustache....."

So Grian gave him the mustache to the creeper hybrid. He wore the mustache and looked at the mirror. "Not bad, just not my style" says Doc as he returned it back to the prince.

"While they tried on the..... mustache" chuckled Joe "Mumborella came out of the room with tea and gave a cup to the prince. "Here your majesty" says Mumbo as Grian took the tea, to reveal the an empty cup to his disappointment.

"The prince soon realized......" Joe paused to see that Cub and Scar had changed the script a bit. "Soon realized that he looked like someone who owns facial hair"

Mumbo at Joe in disbelief, and then glared at Cub and Scar. Behind the curtains, Scar was pointing at Cub. "His original idea" Scar said as Cub smirked at him.

"My dear lady, may have a little bit of your time and try out this mustache?" Asked Grian, seeing Mumbo's eyes sparkled. "GLADLY!!" Yelled Mumbo in glee.

He put the mustache back and danced ever so happily. "I MISS YOU"

"I don't care anymore, take him as your bride" False said making the audience in an awkward silence. "I thought they were suppose to be jealous?" Thought the audience.....

Suddenly Iskall went up to Joe and whispered something to his ear. To Joe's surprised face, he awkwardly accepted the request.

"And so Mumborella and the prince got married and lived happily ever after..... until they kiss." Joe says.

"WHAT?!" Yelled Mumbo and Grian as the whole audience started yelling happily, fangirling all the way. The two glared at Cub and Scar. Although those two looked happy, they were kinda confused.

"I swear to God Mumbo, that wasn't us. I'll happily take credit to this if it were my idea." Defended Cub as they stared at Joe.

Iskall smirked at them "YOU HAVE NO CHOICE!!" He yelled as the audience started yelling "KISS HIM, KISS HIM, KISS HIM!!"

Mumbo and Grian were in quiet a pickle if you ask me. They looked at each other embarrassingly, wishing this was all a nightmare.... but it really was happening.....

Suddenly Grian had an idea."FINE, WE WILL KISS!!..... as long as Cub and Scar, and Iskall and Ren kiss each other too! Smirked Grian as the four hermits were bewildered.

The audience screamed even more than before. "WHY AM I INCLUDED?!!" Yelled Rendog near the audience. "Trust me." Whispered to Ren.

"It seems fair after all" replied Joe. Cub, Scar and Iskall grouped together and went to chase Grian, causing him to jump off stage and run away.

The whole audience laughed at this silly scene. Soon they forgotten all about the kissing scene and just went outside to check the ridiculous chase. Leaving Mumbo, Ren, Joe and some hermits in the stage.

"That was actually a good but crazy plan...." says Ren as everyone was concerned about their well being.

Mumbo suddenly falls at the floor, causing Joe to go up to him. But he just fell asleep. "Geez Mumbo, don't scare me like that."
Complained Joehills.

"I'm tired" says Doc as he joined Mumbo and laid on the cold stage.

Joe then remembered what Iskall whispered to him. To be fair it was Joe's original idea for them to kiss, but he was happier with Iskall's offer and was excited for that day to come......

The End

(Find out what Iskall actually whispered to Joe, Sayonara! ;) )

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