Rivals' true friendship (pt. 2)

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Whilst the two architects were discussing something, Cub suddenly swooped in and tackled them on the ground with his diamond sword at the ready. "Are you two idiots?!" Cub complained.

"Your the one to talk, you just destroyed Grian's table" Iskall said in an annoyed tone. "Cub, I said no killing!" Scar yelled as he landed near the meeting room. "Wth is going on?" Mumbo asked as he help himself stand up.

"Were the ones who should ask, what happened with you two and Grian?" Scar asked, realizing the two architects looking a bit down and nervous. "Well...." but Cub interrupted.

"I know it's frustrating when something you worked on is destroyed but you knew he didn't mean it, it's really something stupid to argue about." Cub said, as he finally cooled down from his murderous mode......

Silenced filled the room..... they were all quiet till Mumbo gave a deep sigh. "Look, we realized our mistake, ok? I'll show you" he said, leading the Convex duo to the redstone.

"We found out that one of the pistons took the glass block and caused the flood, at the exact moment when Grian explored the redstone" Iskall said as guilt still was filled in his system.

Scar looked at the two architects till he smiled a bit. "Well then, what are you gonna do now?" He asked. Mumbo and Iskall prepared their rockets and walked to the balcony. "You know the answer to that" then they flew off.

Leaving Scar and Cub in the Sahara building.... "Couldn't have added a cake" Cub suggested. "Lol" said the other hermit.

~~~Grian's base~~~

"Grian?!" Iskall yelled as they both landed on the concrete floor. It was silence filling the base, some chickens clucking, and the villagers underneath the tubes.

"Yeah?" A voice was heard near the storage area. They both turned around to see Grian holding his pickaxe. He looked fine except the seriousness in his eyes.

Mumbo sighed again and explained the whole thing, Grian listened quietly as he too sighed and walked up to the bubble elevator. "Well, accidents and coincidences happen from time to time." He said sternly.

They either felt more guilty of how Grian isn't in a bright mood but rather serious or how he just called it an accidents without complaints. "Well, I'll be off" Grian said as he readied his rockets.

Mumbo and Iskall didn't feel any better than before till....... "Guys....." Grain interrupted they're train of thought. He kept quiet for 10 seconds till a chuckle was heard from him, he turned around to see Grian smiling at them.

"Your forgiven" he said as he ran up to the two and tackled them in a hug. They both looked at the blonde, hugging hermit in a flabbergasted expression. "Your coming back to Architects?!" Mumbo asked very curiously.

"Who said that I'd quit?" Grian asked. "You people don't even know what to market or what to build next" he said with a bit of pride as Iskall patted his head and smirked at him with a bit of annoyance.

"You are a very cheeky hermit"


"I think the Con Corp mountain looks fine" Scar said as he carries his cat, Jellie. "I don't know, it need a litt- AHH!" Cub tumbled on the ground, he realized that he tripped on a chest.

"What is a random chest doing here?" They both look inside to see a book inside. They grabbed the book and read whatever it was written inside.

Discount at Sahara
Soon to open

Cub and Scar stared at the book for a while "Geez, we have our own company to mind thank you very much" Cub replied before he turned the other page in the book.

No seriously, thank you.

See you beneath the
Ladies and gents ;)

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