Mumborella (Pt. 1)

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( This idea popped up in my mind, and I was very willing to write this before Monday comes. Since I won't be around for another few days again... Hope you enjoy ;) )

                             Joe walks up to the stage, holding a script. And starts to read it at loud. "Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful girl name Mumborella."

                             Mumbo walks up and sweeps the floor, blushing in embarrassment. "I did not agree to this!" Mumbo complained.

                             "For the audience Mumbo, and for Con Corp" Cub says with a grin as he held a single diamond. "For the diamonds Mumbo, diamonds."

                              Mumbo was really gonna kill him later on, and so Joe continued. "She lived with her stepmother and two daughters?" Joe says as he was confuse why the boys were playing as girls.

                              "Again, why am I the mother?" Asked False as Stress and Doc appeared on stage as the step sisters. To which Doc was disgusted. "Bro, I'm in a dress. I did not sign for this." Says Doc as Mumbo replied: "THAT'S WHAT I SAID?!!"

                               "Shut up and just continue the story?" Asked Cub impatiently as False sighed and threw the redstone around the floor. "Clean this up you ugly girl!" Says Stress as she felt hurt saying those words.

                                At the audience,  you can here Iskall giggling like an idiot as Mumbo threw his broom to make him shut up.

                                "One day, they received an invention to the prince's ball tonight and everyone was invited. But Mumborella was forced to stay here instead of going to the ball." Joe finished as he looked at Doc with so much awkwardness.

                                 False and Stress were ok with their red and yellow dresses. But Doc was wearing an emerald, creeper version dress. "My choice" he says as they all left the stage leaving Mumbo. "Mumborella cried as he ever wanted to go to the ball and dance." To everyone's surprise, Mumbo was actually crying.

                                 " YES!! Mumbo is doing his role by heart!" Says Cub with so much joy! "I want this nightmare to end... I want to leave this stupid play?!" Mumbled Mumbo as he cries dramatically. "Never mind" says Cub with a sigh as Scar pats his back.

                                 "Suddenly a flash of glow appeared, revealing a Swedish fairy godmother.... in a diorite dress-" Joe soon started to laughed as Iskall glared at him. "No one said my dress will be made of diorite..." Complained Iskall. "Anyway.... Mumborella, I can help you! Just tell me what you need?" He asked.

                                 "I wish to quite." Mumbo wished as everyone including Iskall were in an awkward silence..... "helping you go to the ball will do the trick! BIBI DI BOBI DI BOOO!!" Yelled Iskall "Alas Mumborella was in a beautiful pink dress, with a little tiara on top" Joe says as he really tried his best not to laugh.

                                 "I hate you Con Corp" criticized Mumbo which he doesn't usually do. "Suddenly, the horses came bringing the carriage that Mumborella was gonna ri- wait a second?" Paused Joe for a while. "Why are the horses Poultry Man and Evil X?

                                 "Blame X and stupid Con Corp for this shenanigans." Complained Evil X as X grinned at his own generosity. "So your a horse Grian?" Says Mumbo calmly. "I am not Grian, I'm poultry man!" He says as Mumbo for the first time since he joined the play, slightly smiles at his best friend's stubbornness. "Now remember, come back here by midnight before you turn back into your normal self" warned Iskall as Mumbo just nodded. "Cleo, Python, Rendog, change the background?" Whispered Scar.

                                 "Soon Mumborella arrived at the ball, revealing the beautiful ballroom. And soon enough saw Prince Grian there." Says Joe. Doc stumbles with his dress to Grian and whispered to him: "This is stupidity, can we make another Civil War? Except it's Hermits vs Con Corp." Grian then nodded. "Flirt with him Doc?" Asked Cub as Doc twitches his eye and flirts.

                                 "H-Hey... hand-dsome...." Doc says with disgust. "I'm going to the bathroom." Says Doc as he immediately leaves, leaving Grian with Stress. "I'm sorry Gri, I like you as a friend." Apologized Stress as Grian hugged her. "No worries." He says as Stress leaves. While False was just reading a book, not even caring what's going on in front of her.

                                 "Suddenly, Prince Grian saw the beautiful Mumborella. And went to ask her for a dance" Joe says it proudly as Mumbo and Grian were blushing furiously. "WERE NOT GAY!!" The yelled as they started dancing. Soon, they heard the crowd fangirling and shipping Grumbo. Leaving Cub and Scar ready for there next plan.

                                "They danced the night away, until the clock stroked 11:55, Mumbo immediately left without saying goodbye to Grian and soon-" Joe paused as he suddenly started laughing like a maniac. "Mumborella accidentally drops her mustache- HAHAHAHA" Soon the everyone including Grian were laughing as Mumbo embarrassingly leaves.

                                "Don't worry my maiden spoon, I'll find you by this mustac- HAHAHA" Grian laughed so hard that Iskall soon joined in, with his contagious laugh. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
"I'm dying Cub!" Scar says as he's out of breathe.

~~~~Break timee~~~~

                                 "Hate diorite?" Asked Iskall. "Use the diorite digester! Works like a dream" he says as he holds diorite digester can. "Buy one for 3 diamonds, buy one now!!" He says as he points the diorite digester on his dress. "NOT NOW ISKALL!!" Yelled Cub.


                                    Mumbo was sulking in the corner, as Grian just offered him a bucket of milk. To IJevin's uncomfortable self, was scared to even press Tab. Seeing Mumbo with no mustache was weird.

To be continued.......

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