Made up Incorrect Quotes

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Majority of these quotes were made up by me while some are from Tumblr. Oof.

This is just a short one because I have a big collab I have to attend to. °^°

~~~Incorrect Quotes~~~

Ex: I will never become a successful man....

Xisuma: I'm sorry. :(

Ex: don't worry, my dreams were already shattered years ago

Xisuma: how many years ago?

Ex: *looks at X* how old were you again?


Ren: never expect things to happen...

Ren: it's better to feel surprised than to feel disappointed. ;)

Doc: well, i expected you to show up in my door step and I don't feel disappointed at all.

Doc: also did you just freaking copied that quote from-

Ren: SHUSH!!!


[Scar after having a terrible day and Cub isn't online and goes to a bar]

Scar: *slides 20 diamonds * I'll have the usual.

Grian: * gives him a hug*


Scar: *slides 100 diamonds* I'll have the usual.

Joe: *throws it back at Scar* SCREW PAYMENT!!

Joe: *immediately gives him a hug* there there child...

Scar: T^T


[ After Cub hunting down Joe for the past week]

Joe: Cleo, if Cub asks where Joe is, how do you respond?

Cleo: who's Joe?

Joe: I raised you right. UwU


Grian: watch Maui and Pearl while I'll be offline for a while.

Mumbo: I'm your man!

Grian: don't do anything stupid or spoony that could trigger them or something.

Mumbo: I'm kinda your man..?

Grian: keep them safe or I swear to god Mumbo! That mustache won't be the only thing I'll be taking aWAY!!

Mumbo: *pushes Maui and Pearl into Grian's arms* you need another man.


Ren: In life, the only I've come to regret....

Ren: was not being a better person....

Doc: pftt, Obviously! You better step up your game man if you just keep copying those quotes!

Ren: I'm trying to be deep here!


Keralis: *hugs Jevin* too slimy.

Keralis: *hugs Iskall* too swedish.

Keralis: *hugs Cleo* too dead.

Keralis: *hugs Joe* too pg.

Keralis: *hugs Doc* t-too scawy. O^O

Keralis: *hugs Mumbo* too much redston- *cough*

Keralis: *hugs Stress*

Keralis: *hugs Zedaph* too sheepish ;)

Keralis: *hugs TFC* too old.

Keralis: *hugs Grian* too small.

Keralis: *hugs Wels* too medieval.

Keralis: *hugs Scar* already taken.

Keralis: *hugs Shashwami* too busy for a hug. T^T

Keralis: *hugs Bubbles* just right! ^°^


Random person: Pftt Zedaph, worth something? He's just some third wheeled freak, trying to fit in with pro gamers like Tango and Imp-


Tango: *full on demon mode*

Fans: *full on Yandere mode*

Random person: *slowly backs away*


Grian: X-I- summa voiddd...

Xisuma: Gerarwwwrian.

Grian: Xeee-soooo-mmmmaa-viooooooiiiddddd.

Xisuma: Greoooon!


Xisuma: ?????

Grian: *walks away*

Xisuma: was it something that I said? °^°


May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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