This is Unbelievable....

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I just woke up this morning, to hear a lot of notifications popping out. And I was gonna check if many of you people read my chapters and q & a. And I got tagged again. But the unbelievable part was that I got tagged.... three freaking times.... in the same freaking day.... by Unicornthalady, chickenshaman, and thebirdfantasy. Quiet the coincidence if you ask me XD, but I'll continue anyway. (And thx you three for tagging me) ;)

1. Sexuality
Bisexual.... maybe....

2. Gender
Well I am a female, but not a girly one nor a boyish one

3. Last Song
To be fair I'm currently listening to my music, so This is me and Donut Hole

4. Happy?
Obviously since I'm using Wattpad, makes me glad and appreciated that some people enjoy my stories ;)

5. Hair Color
Pure Black (sometimes I would see a little brown if possible)

6. Zodiac
Proud Gemini ;)

7. Last person you kissed
Dora the Explorer Doll..... (I can't bare to give her away to my sister) T^T

8. Fav. Color
Any blue except the original and Tan

9. Fav. Food
Shrimp and Steam Rice

10. Battery %
It's 48% charging

11. Celebrity Crush
No celebrity crush, but anime crush: OSAMU DAZAI!!...... between you and me, there is someone I like in Wattpad but YOU'LL NEVER FIND OUT MWUAHAHAHA!! Excuse me....

12. Fav. Vegetable
Mushroom or Lettuce

13. Shoe size
I honestly don't know, but my shoe size is the same size as my mother's.

14. Dream Job

Maybe Doctor?



Ok so I have to tag 20 people.... this will take a while....

1. thebirdfantasy you were the first person I kinda got closed to when I was new. ;)

2. chickenshaman very cool dude. And I'm still touched ;)

3. Unicornthalady your stories were very funny, and your funny yourself ;)

4. RaeTheStar your the true shining Star! ;D

5. poweraph keep up the good work ;)

6. becca4leafclover your stories actually made me cry for the first time in two years. (Crying still feels weird)

7. Lucy_The_Llamacorn ^°^ give your best

8. BridgetTh3B1RD good luck for you in the future ;)

9. Kinshi_ give yourself a pat in the back ;D

10. AquaticFangirl2 never a "dill" moment with her if you know what I mean ;)

Iskall: BA DUM DAM!!
Grian: mah joke T^T

11. SomePumpkin_1 =D

12. giratinashelper ;)

13. Pi0_Human ;D

14. ForbiddenLoveMxM1 love for you ;)

15. Dolce_Chan123 your an epic wattpader (That's not even a word)

16. athena363636 PEACE SIGN ;D

17. faded_instinct ;)

18. Speckledfire BLAZE LIKE FIRE!! =D

19. DarkMoon458 ;)

20. SelinaGladiator ;)

Welcome beneath the moonlight ladies and gents ! ;D

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