Was it fun?

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Finally I can make stories in this book again! =D
Thank god that little glitch is over, but anyways this was a challenge from Unicornthalady to make a onehsot story. Hope it's ok?

~~~Doc's POV~~~

I stood at the hill, looking over at the destroyed battlefield. I see both G team and Star team's base, and the everlasting fires that haven't been put out. The smell of smoke from the fireballs and tnt explosions in the air, and the two bases and Con Corp's little tower standing tall and undisturbed.

"It really has been a long time since the war?" I asked myself. I jumped of the hill and flew around the battlefield. I landed near the star team base, things haven't changed since we left, besides the big mustache that Mumbo removed.


I walked inside to only be introduced by darkness and dim lights. The stairs were still confusing to navigate and yet I still don't remember anymore how to find my way out, so I immediately went outside and walked on Joe's one block bridge across the moat.

I look at the big castle like tower, I saw the ghast still chilling around the base, and the canon he and Ren used at the last fight. Nostalgia was starting to hit on him hard.


I flew across the field and landed at G team's base, still looking the same. I looked around a bit and could still here the pigs from the meeting room. I then saw the control room, nothing changed aside from the missing signs and levers. I moved on down the bubble elevator to see a big hole at the end of my ride down, but I ignored it.

Next came the little armory they made. I remembered my last time trying to infiltrate their base..... you could say we were barking on the tree or we kinda underestimated G team. I started to feel a bit bored here so I left the building.


I flew to Cub and Scar's tower and sat on the edge. Looking at the battlefield right now, I wonder how we all ended up like this?..... if I do remember correctly, it was originally the obsidian prank on Mumbo, according to the fans.

But how did I ended up joining the war?..... oh yeah, me and Impulse help Ren prank Cleo, thus was the birth of the pirate ghost ship. But surprisingly Iskall changed the sign for some odd reasons, bringing Grian even deeper to the prank war.

He couldn't blame Grian, when someone messes with you, you have to at least get them back. But he had to touch the freaking bush! The one I worked so hard on! And till this day, that bush is still infected by Grian heads...

Who knew that giving the fork of friendship be came the beginning of the chain of events. "How ironic" I chuckled a bit.... soon a sizzling sound was heard behind my back. I turn around to see the creeper's corpse disappearing.

I looked up to see Stress holding her sword. "Geez love, I know your a creeper hybrid and all but it doesn't mean you won't get killed by your own kind" Stress smirked at me. "My own kind?" I asked with a shrugged look.

"Anyways, would you mind helping me collect some ice for personal purposes?" She asked with both her fingers touching each other. "I don't mind, although you mostly would ask Iskall?" I askdasked her. "Bruh, press tab." She requested.

I pressed tab, and to only realize he, Stress and Mumbo we're the only ones on the server, except Mumbo was afk..... again. "Well, let's go!" I said with my pickaxe and rockets at the ready. "By the way, what were you doing here? The war is already over"

I looked back to her and responded "Just remembering those memories during the war". Stress then started smiling and walking around the platform.

"The war was full of chaos but it was rather thrilling for me". Stress replied in glee. "Like Grian's says, it was all for fun after all. Although I was probably overreacting much with the bush" I chuckled a bit, making Stress giggle.

"I had a lot of fun protecting our base and capturing the flag!" She exclaims before she stopped to look at the field "How about you Doc, did you have fun?" She asked quietly. Soon I questioned myself, did I have fun?....

Flashbacks zoomed through my mind, every moment I had during the civil war. All that prank war chaos started 3 and a half months, boy that was manic!..... although I felt so alive! So many people enjoyed watching the civil war in different perspectives.

I looked at the blue clear sky, the clouds covering the sun, and the late afternoon breeze flowed towards us. With my rockets still on my hand and a hermit waiting for my answer, I made a slight smile......

"Yes....I did have fun" I whispered, Stress heard my response and started grinning at me. "Glad you did".





"Although the chaos has just begun". I replied, getting her attention. "What do you mean?".

"I mean, I'm literally waiting for the next war between Con Corp and Sahara, Ren became a hippie (not), there is already massive raids, and the architects are having a competition between who's house is the tallest." I said with a calm voice.

"You need to step up your game Stress" I smirked at her, as Stress punches my shoulder.... painfully. "Shut up Doc, let's just get to work." She complained but soon giggled, and flew off.

"Guess so."...... I looked back at the battlefield again before I flew off to the distance and followed behind Stress' tail.

"It was fun......."

~~~The End~~~

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Reflecting the sea
-Keichi Akechi ;)

(That's right, I changed it. Lol)

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