Why didn't you say it before?

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This story was based on a stupid joke I created once again and somehow thought of a story for this. 😂

At this rate, my stories will be based on jokes now, lol.

Let me just say: AquaticAndFantastic you can kill him later in my murder mystery book, just not here pls. °^°

Ok lol, I'll shut up.

~~~Mumbo's POV~~~

Honestly, I don't know where I am. I was on top on some old building. Mostly likely that I was on the rooftop. The sky was a mix of blue, orange and purple. The sun setted on the horizon, giving the sky a bit of sparkle.

I looked around the rooftop to see bars on the edge and an odd stench of blood, which seemed to concern me. I am 100% sure that I'm no longer in the hermitcraft server.

"You certainly right!"

I turned around to see a brunette with a blue coat, but part of his clothes seemed a bit torn and dirty. He looked a bit tired but somehow surpassed a sad smile. "I'm sorry but, who are you?" I asked the man.

"Someone you haven't met, but now we've met, you are a friend to me now." He replied, giving me a sadder but warm smile. Judging by his attitude, he seems to be a bit persuasive. " Ok?" I mumbled. I wondered around the rooftop to look at the other well deisgned structures.

"Where am I anyway?" I asked... "My home..." He mumbled before he gave out a chuckle. "It may seem old and run down but this place still stayed beautiful, hiding the monster within it" he explained with ease in his voice.

I didn't want to talk about this monster but my mind felt too curious. "I left this place for selfish reasons.... But I never thought I would visit this place again." The brunette replied, putting both hands on his pockets.

"Why did you leave?".... He stayed quiet before he could look at me. " I made many mistakes here...". But I just looked at him, confused but more curious than before. "What happened?"

He stayed quiet again before he gave another chuckle "That was in high school, it was probably because of puberty." He chuckled. I couldn't help but give out a tiny giggle. "Puberty always gets the best of us." I replied with a smirk on my face.

But he suddenly looked down at his hands with a frown. "But still.... Those mistakes were selfish and unforgivable... I can't even dare show my face to my old friends..." He gripped his hands steady.

"I just want to apologise for everything I did....."

I looked at him sadly, his forced smile disappeared, and a tiny sparkle was seen on his eyes. I gave out a sigh and put walked towards him. "Then why don't you go and apologize to them?" I suggested.

"If only I could?.." he gave a sad chuckle, letting his tears down on his face. "I can't reach to them anymore... They moved on from this place.... They moved on from m-me..." He stuttered, his voice changed from soothing to broken.

I looked at how this man easily broke down into tears, hiding them with a smile. In all honesty, this man reminded me of a certain hermit I knew...

"You know this certain person, correct?" He asked, taking out a picture of him, and three other people jumping in the air... And a man sneaking behind them? But overall only one person caught his eye.

"Yeah, I know him... Why?" I curiously asked. "It's too late to fix everything, but I want at least one of them to listen out to my message..." He mumbled.

He tried reaching to my height before he could whisper the message through my ear. "You got it?" He asked, I nodded. He gave out a genuine smile before he could go walk inside the building. "I just have a question!" I called out, getting his attention.....

"Is this conversation real? Or is it just happening inside my head?"
He looked at me blankly before he gave out once last chuckle.

"Both to be exact, who knows?" He faded through the door, leaving an old, blunt, used but clean knife on the floor.....


"Oi Mumbo! Rise and shine!"

My eyes suddenly opened, when I realized that I was fell asleep on top of my redstone contraption. " You know Mumbo, your gonna break Sahara if you accidentally flip some lever in your sleep." Grian giggled, his head bopping behind the contraption.

"Grian, what are you doing here?" I yawned, fixing my suit from its wrinkling form. "I was wondering why there was a name tag inside the warehouse. But seeing as it's just you, I'll be taking my leave." He explained, getting his elytra at the ready.

But I just grabbed his hand before he could even leave. "A weird man in my dream wanted to give you a message." I replied without hesitation, but Grian just gave me the "are you a spoon?" look.

"I know it sounds pointless but I'm not risking any nightmares from him" I yawned again, leaning near the yellow concrete block. "Well, if you say so Mr. Mumbo Jumbo." He laughed. It took me a while to remember but alas I recited the message.

" I'm sorry.... Greoon..… from...... A bunny..." I dozed off back to dreamland... snoring the afternoon away...

Grian stood there.... Traumatized and quiet.... Tears fell from his face after hearing that message. It was a surprise that he would hear his name pronounced that way again....

"Sam..... Why?...... Why didn't you say this before?..."

~~~~~The End~~~~~

When I thought of this puberty joke, I suddenly thought of Samgladiator and his yandere high school series. And how this would be a funny to put. 😂

I'm not sure if the real Sam is sorry or not but I wanted to try making a story featuring Sam, but without making him the villain or anything. 😐😓

You know, put some uniqueness! 😄

Although I couldn't put Taurtis in the story, so I'm gonna find a way to give him some plot.

"May your night"
"Shine like the moonlight"
"Ladies and gents! ;)"
"-Keichi Akechi"

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