How to trigger hermittpader's emotions

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Before we start, let me remind you that this is just for the fun of it, and everything that I say here isn't 100% completely accurate and this can't apply to everyone.

This is just what I observed from experiences of others and myself.


How to trigger hermittpader's emotions:

1. Harm da child and your DED!!

You may know a Wattpad user name ausforyou right? She is the child that a lot of the older authors protects. I remember someone once made an author hunger games and I killed AC in the simulator.... And a lot of people were... quite upset with a joke. .-.

So yeah, don't hurt the child. Specifically don't hurt anyone! °^°

2. Create a very stupid pun/joke.

I am not saying that a lot of them hates jokes, they would just cringe at how hilariously terrible but amazing they are. But beware of those people with the kazoos. ō^ō


[And I 100% did not use the number 14 for YouTuber reasons]

3. Recommend them to read "The red sun never sets"

If you don't like the Architects....umm... good luck reading this. But considering that the fanfic can leave you in tears, you can imagine the advantages of teasing them about it. XD

[This is a joke, teasing is okay but you'll have to accept that they will grow tired of it soon enough.]

4. Dare even mention"The red sun never sets" to emotional readers.


5. Tell Hapy that he's Zloy.

I dare you.

6. Dare even mention my story "A bloody Hermitcraft mystery"

I think this idea mostly works on unicornthalady, because....I don't know? She doesn't like Keichi x Angst Motivation apparently. XD

7. Kill off a hermit

This is a very obvious answer. Make Scar sad or depressed, aww poor child. Make him commit die, WE WANT TO KNOW YOUR LOCATION AT ONCE!!

8. So... should I mention "The secretive hermit" ?

I mean... It really did hit me..... This story is probably be the longest Grian angst you would ever read. °^°

9. Forget to put a warning/heads up in your stories

These are one of my mistakes that I would sometimes commit. It brings your readers to a different path of sadness.. °^°
And it doesn't just trigger them, it triggers yourself! Because it sounds so wrong without a little Author note in the end!

10. Hehehehehehehehe, I've saved the last for the best! ;)
One of my personal favourite ways of triggering hermittpader's emotions.

Mention them this video, repeatedly!

Until they finally get use watching this without crying know... Some people would soon get tired of this. But oh well, I will never get tired of this video. ^°^

Ok lol, I'm done.



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