Bring back me

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Basically this was inspired by I_love_Polar_Bears and about hundreds of people making Grian fanart.

I realized that I never really wrote something about Grian's actual past before, mostly it's something else.

Plus it's been a while since I wrote something about Grian. (Minus the Literature Stray Hermits, because mainly it's Joe)

So I wanted to try something new.

Plus recently my dear friend Devil-san_69 gave me an idea based on a poem we made, so also inspired by her. ;)

So let's start!


"Greeon~" was all I heard in my head. How do I stop this madness?
Why is all I see blood everywhere?

Why do I have a mask, wings? Why am I making this difficult for myself?

Why am I holding a knife? Why am I joining him?

Why must I hide this from the hermits? Do I want to burden them of worry? It's not like I didn't trust them, but I don't trust them...

I wanna scream, I wanna cry, I wanna hide, I want..... I want.... I.... Them.....













But how can I be with them....if there gone?

How can I be with "Them".... If I never say anything?

How can I be with them.....

If I don't accept them?......

"Oi Grian!"

I suddenly went back to reality when I realized two impatient hermits sitting on their respective chairs.... I mean one of them at least. Forgotten about the button.

"Here you are sleeping before a meeting, and you wanted to propose a new business deal in Sahara." Mumbo sighed before he gave a cheeky smile. "And I thought I was the only spoon."

I didn't know why but my body suddenly started to move on it's own before I put both arms on the mustache hermit's neck. "Huh Grian?" He looked at me in confusion, but I just gave him a smile.... I genuine smile.

"Nothing Mumbo... Just wanted a hug." I casually explained, but he didn't complain but just messed my hair. "If you had a nightmare then no need to hide." Mumbo smirked, surprising the living soul in my body

Sometimes I think I'm to easy to read....

"Aww ain't that cute? Grian having a little nightmare like a baby~" a swedish voice with a cheeky tone just grinned on his chair. "Iskall, I am not a bab-" before I continued, both me and Mumbo looked at the swedish hermit in shock.

He was in somewhat blue and white frilly dress with his pigtails noticable to the eye can see, and with two red shoes sparkling like the shining hypixel stars. Now this... Kinda scared the living crap out of us.

"Well then boys, who wants their happy ending to emerald city~" Iskall romantically tried flirting as a joke to disgust us. "Honestly, if I had a nightmare, it would be this...." Mumbo nervously replied.

But before I knew it, I was suddenly laughing before them. My arms still on Mumbo but I was in tears as I laughed. And it concerned both the Architects on the table.

"There is no happy ending, death is never happy! But knowing that death will be a long time, here we are being the total idiots we are!" I continued laughing as my tears continued streaming on my face.

Before I knew it, both Mumbo and Iskall looked at me with sad but positive smiles. Now that I mention it, it was really funny to see Iskall in a dress and it all made us laugh to tears.

Everything was forgotten, i forgotten all about the nightmare. The hermits changed They brought me back...

As our laughs and cries echoed through the warehouse, I forgotten about what I said and just continued laughing.....

"With them...."

"Bring back me"

I'm full of mistakes and lies,
Saying "I'm fine" and "I'm alright".
Outside, they don't hear my cries.
My heart is as dark as the night.

Please care for me, let me open up to you.
Let me open the door I locked for decades,
The door that is filled with truth.
You're the light that won't let me face.

It's not too late, you can still help me.
Please remember me, hear my silent scream.
Bring back the person I used to be,
Bring back the life I once dreamed...

Made by: Me and Devil-san_69

~~The End~~

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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