Keep your betrayer closer

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This story is kinda short, so oof.

And also... Should I consider this a shipfic? Depends if you agree with this new ship, just for fun, I threw something so new and underrated. ;)

~~~Cleo's POV~~~

What am I doing? Tiptoeing through Bdubs' castle. Why exactly? To drop off a present. Why again? Because of guilt.

Demise is over, everything is back to normal, yet I still feel bad for betraying Bdubs like that. Even though he and Keralis betrayed me first, I just couldn't let the opportunity go to waste! But at the same time he's a friend, he tried apologizing to me so I have to owe him one.

I placed two light grey shulker boxes along with a simple little sign right beside it.

Hey Bdubs! Sorry for your demise. -Cleo

Inside the shulker boxes were a full supply of building blocks like every type of wood and stone he could ever use in his projects and additional light sources. It took me hours to grab all these materials in the hermitcraft server.....

Until I realized.... Ren. I literally had to go break into his logs shop just to get the wood I needed for Bdubs. But what the hey?! I ain't the only one breaking in! Plus he still has payment.

My work here is done! I skipped towards the exit, humming a little tune. Till suddenly a face appeared infront of me as I tried to exit the castle.


Me and the hermit yelped. We both pointed our diamonds swords out of instinct before recognizing the other. "Cleo?!" He exclaimed.

I immediately put my sword away, sighing in relief. It was just Bdubs. His sword still pointed at me, at this point I just raised my hands near my head level. "Hey B-Bubbles?" I sheepishly grinned, stuttering his nickname.

His eyebrow raised a bit, he slowly lowered down his weapon but his guard wasn't down, he's already suspicious of me. "What brings you here to my humble castle?" He smiled wryly, but was slowly pushing himself near the torture chamber. Is he trying to taunt me or something?!

"I know you still don't trust me after what happened but I wanted to leave a little apology gift." I pointed at the shulker and sign. " I will go and let you check it out." I bowed down before walking back to the exit. Leaving Bdubs even more suspicious with my visit and my present.


In all honesty there really is no point in mentioning that it's not some trick, either way he's sussed. I continued walking down the mountain, finally leaving the territory of his castle.

I retrieved the rockets from my hotbar before feeling a pair of arms flying towards my shoulders, Bdubs grabbed my whole body near his and proceeded to give me an unexpected hug. Twas tight, yes. But rather comforting at the same time.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou sooo much Cleo!" Bdubs exclaims happily. "I'm sorry if I was a bit rude, I just couldn't help but feel cautious when I saw you.." sadly smiling but still continued to hug me.

My face was already flushed red and warm, a chuckle escaped from my mouth. "I-t's okay Bdubs, I would have done the same..." I stuttered my words. Why was I feeling this nervous? Is this really guilt?....maybe it is....

He pulled away from the hug, leaving this unwieldy silence between us. My face still felt warm, I tried looking away but at the same time, tried not to be rude or anything.

Finally breaking the silent, he spoke; " you wanna hang around in my castle for a bit.." he timidly asked, fiddling between his fingers. "We can sit down and have some tea, just don't tell Xisuma that I'm using his?" He smirked.

"Oof, I won't tell a single living soul." I replied before laughing from that comment.

We both walked together back to the diorite castle, acknowledging in all its glory, before a certain Sweden comes by and holds a flint and steel.

~~~~~The End~~~~~

Yep, I've definitely created something here.

I think I'm starting to getting dragged into the shipping corner of this fandom. XD

I blame y'all for making me this way! ≥:(

But really no regret! XD

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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