Feelings are like glass (pt. 2)

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                                For the pass few days, Mumbo was slowly but surely healing. His wounds started to feel less painful. But his heart, was still aching. Really, no matter how many times he tried telling them he was ok... he really wasn't. The other hermits have a way of knowing Mumbo was not alright. Just listen to the constant laughs of Grian as he enjoys seeing him suffer. And every time that happens. At least someone slaps him every single time, which is every freaking second! But no matter how much they try their best to keep Grian from escaping ,letting his temptation of killing Mumbo grow bigger. Mumbo really wasn't in any condition.
                               Some of the hermits would be in tears when seeing Grian and Mumbo like this. They loved Grian, but they soon started growing hatred for him... As Iskall kept Mumbo company, Grian sang with glee as his eyes was more blood thirsty than ever. "Mumbo Jumbo you'll be dead one day, while your corpse starts to fade away! Mumbo, Mumbo, Mumbo afk, I'll stab you with hatred one day!" Suddenly Stress puches him as Joe, Iskall and Mumbo looked at the scene. "SHUT UP!!" Yells Stress as she cries at Joe's shoulder. This has affected the server so much, who knows when everything will turn back to normal. Grian's body was hurt everywhere from the hermit's constant slapping and punching, but he never mind.

                               But suddenly... they heard a faint voice from the bars. It sounded... so weak... and so tired... "Kill..." Grian mumbles as Joe shouted: FOR THE LAST TIME, YOU ARE NOT GON-" suddenly he stopped as he saw his eyes... they looked... normal... "kill....m-me-" then his eyes changed again as it turned back blood thirsty. "KILL MUMBO!!" Hey yells happily! And this time they did not punish him. "Did his eyes just changed?..." asked Mumbo. "How did we not see that before?.... all the hermits were soon having second thoughts. " What if this wasn't Grian's actual goal?... what if it was..." he suddenly got interrupted by X swooping in the room. "Just something affecting him..." X says with a serious tone. Then all the hermit's eyes were widened as they realized that Grian... was just affected...by some sort of substance. X then shows a half broken glass bottle, as his eyes was filled with guilt. "I accidentally left this in his base few days ago. Before everything happened.... I'm sorry..." the room fell silent with so many questions in their mind.

                              "What does the potion do?" Asked Doc. "This potion causes the person to have a murderous intent to someone particularly close to them. He must have accidentally dropped it." He says as shame flowed through his body. But Doc just gave him a hug. "We all make mistakes X." Says Mumbo as X hugged Doc back. "Is their a cure?" Asked False curiously. X then holds a bottle of potion and walks over to Grian. "NO, DON'T YOU DARE GIVE THAT TO ME?!!" Grian yells in anger. "WE WANT GRIAN BACK, PLUS THIS WILL MAKE THIS BETTER!!" Complains Impulse as Grian kept on disagreeing. But suddenly.... Mumbo goes to the bars, making all the hermits confused. But Mumbo suddenly opens the door causing the hermits to get their swords. "ARE YOU CRAZY, HE'LL KILL YOU!!" Yelled Iskall, but Mumbo didn't care. Suddenly he hugged Grian ever so tightly. Leaving evil Grian confused. "I'll let you kill me... then will you agree to drink the potion?.." Mumbo suggested as the hermits tried convincing him to stop, but Mumbo started crying again. "I don't even care anymore.... I just w-want you back to normal so badly..." he says as the some of the hermits were in tears.

                             " Everyone is wrong... life isn't the greatest treasure.... the greatest treasure... was probably you, being a great friend..." Mumbo says as Grian's eyes still looked blood thirsty and holds his bloody sword.... but he dropped, feeling quiet speechless. " Look you big fat idiot. I hate you no matter what. But I rather die than feel your stupid warmth forever, so X, give me that stupid potion. Grian asked as he slightly blushes embarrassingly. X then gives him the potion, as Mumbo released him from the hug. Then Grian spoked: "I'm sorry Mumbo" he says.... as he drinks the potion. Making everyone especially Mumbo confused. "Did evil Grian just pity Mumbo?" They all thought to himself. Suddenly Grian's eyes changed back to normal, and fainted onto Mumbo's lap.

                               Grian woke up, feeling his body so tired and painful. He saw his base, looking the same, except for the part that Mumbo was next to him. "Hi Grian" Mumbo says, who was finally truly smiling. Grian then pulls Mumbo into a hug, felt shame and guilt all around him. "I... a-almost killed you.... I tried to stop... b-but...." Mumbo felt his shoulder wet, Grian was crying. Mumbo too cried as he hugged him tighter. "Doesn't matter, as long your safe." They continued this until a swarm of hermits flew from the arch and landed, bringing Grian in a group hug. Causing so much tears and apologies right infront the confused hermit. "I'M SORRY I PUNCHED YOU HARD!!" " I'M SORRY FOR HATING YOU!!" "I'M SORRY FOR EVERYTHING I SAID" Grian felt a bit overwhelmed. As Mumbo wiped his tears and for the first time in forever, laughed....

(Bonus Chapter)

                            As X flew to Grian's base to borrow some materials, he immediately saw a chest with a sign.

Carrying some potions?
Put it in here.

                            X looked at the sign with a blank face. Seeing as Grian is now actually paranoid.

(I hope you like this story)

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