This isn't the end yet

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This story was requested by darthvolt [I'm sorry if I got this request late]

This takes place in my "Murder Mystery AU" so if you haven't read that story....good luck I guess?

Also...I feel like this story is different to my usual angst. °^°

~~~Xisuma's POV~~~

I let out a small yawn as I stared at the settings that shone bright on screen. For the past few days I've been trying to fix this weird perma glitch. A hermit didn't die thankfully, but.... A friend did...

Everyone doesn't feel safe anymore, hermits had to close down projects that involves death to their disappointment, the 5 authors were still mourning for Aqua's death so they were left at their houses, undisturbed.

A lot of the hermits are counting on me, and Biffa, to find a way to fix it. Although Biffa had to take a break, I wasn't stopping at all. I checked every coding in the system, tried every command to bring her back, restarted all my settings to help remove the bug.. but nothing... NOTHING!!

What kind of admin can't even fix a perma deah glitch? At this rate this stress I've been feeling will be the death of me. I hastily turned off my settings and removed my helmet, throwing it hard on the prismarine ground. [Rip helmet] I slumped back on my hand made chair and started tearing up.

What would happen in the future now?.... Will everyone live in constant fear now? What if someone accidentally dies? Will hermitcraft never seized to exist? What about the authors? What about them? They're too young to die? Is it! Is it... My fault... That I can't even fix a stupid glitch?...


My head winced up when I saw who called out my name. "X, you okay dude? You've been working in your base for a while now, hermits are starting to think your dead." That's what the creeper hybrid. Doc kept staring at my face, I guess that means that my tears are visible now.

"Mmmmph" I grumbled. I turned the opposite direction from him and curled up slowly in my chair.... I felt a body sitting next to me on my chair. A hand started stroking my brown locks, with his arm wrapped behind my head. "It's okay X, you can cry now..." He whispered soothingly, but I just shook my head.

"No... B-But, the gl-litc-" "I don't think the hermits or Aqua, would want to see you overwork yourself for the sake of their well being. You are gonna die stressing yourself..." He explained.

"But... W-Wouldnt tha-t be a...good thing? A useless p-person, gone?" I stuttered my words and my lips started quivering. Doc's eyes widened, his expression was angered.

[Did I just make a depressing thought? I did! °^°]


I flinched when he yelled, my body trembled of fear. The creeper finally calmed down a bit and stared at me with guilt written on his face. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have yelled. I just... Want to prove a point. Your not useless Xisum-"

I cut him off by an immediate hug. I started whimpering, tugging his now wrinkled coat. I knew Doc wasn't one for hugs...which is why when he hugged back, I was stunned. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and rested his chin on my head.

Doc slowly tried removing his coat and wrapped it around my trembling body. He then continued to stroke my hair again and left us in complete silence...

[*Laughs nervously* this sounds like a shipfic.]

"It's okay X...." He whispered in my ear, causing me to hold back more of my sobs.... I felt too exhausted to even sob, so I let my tears drip down my face. I felt sOOo exhausted that the last thing I remembered was a soft whisper in my ear, saying;

"Its just the beginning, this isn't the end yet...."

[Title inspired by an actual song named "This isn't the end" by Owl City]

~~~Biffa's POV~~~

After my lovely cup of tea, I flew back to Xisuma's base, fully refreshed. But when I arrived there, I was surprised not to see Xisuma working on the settings, which was a good thing.

Two sleepy hermits sharing the spruce chair, silently snored. One was... shirtless? And the other had a lab coat draped on his shoulders, his head rested on the creeper hybrid's chest, and he didn't have a helmet.

I gave a small pat on both Xisuma and Doc's head and opened up settings. Xisuma has done his part, now it was my turn to finally fix this perma glitch, and bring back Aqau....

~~~~~The End~~~~~


I know I like making a lot of sad stories but they're usually cute and fluffy angst. This one felt oddly depressing! Like seriously, I never write anything about suicide, self harm, or depression in this book! I just make.... Angst, plain old angst.

But to be fair, I'm using my Murder Mystery AU. And that story was bloody depressing. ō^ō


May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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