My story ideas

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You may understand what this will be about.... Or maybe not?

But I'm gonna be sharing some ideas I made for a hermitcraft story.

Now the reason why I'm sharing these ideas is because:

1. My writing kinda sucks

2. Considering that I don't have any time to make these ideas come to Wattpad, I never really had the chance.

3. It would be fun to see how the others would write it. ;)

So yeah, you can use my ideas if you want. I can give you the plot and I can let y'all choose how the story ends. ^•^

Because really, I'm losing my motivation for this. My motivation is as lost as All Might's retirement, and I still can't stop thinking of that beach scene! °^°

Here you go!

Story Idea 1: One of the hermits overheard a conversation between Joe and Scar, now everything has become chaos because of a huge misunderstanding.

(You can change the characters)

Story Idea 2: When a trio were a best of friends till one of them died. How can the other two move on?

(Your choice with trios. It could be the Sahara boys or the ZIT boys or whatever trio you want to make)

Story Idea 3: What if one of the hermits actually visited an alternate universe where Grian never joined hermitcraft 6 and all the crazy shenanigans he caused never existed.

(Honestly, just imagine.) °^°

Story Idea 4: Joe has been acting strange which seemed to concerned the hermits of his well being. They're not even sure if Joe is even ok.

Story Idea 5: Joe has been in a coma for months now, and Mumbo finally meets Joe after all this time. Except Joe was a ghost.

(I got that idea by the amount of times people spam Jhoest in his live streams)

Story Idea 6: Keralis/Bdubs visits the grounds of the Civil War and he tends to explore around the bases.

Story Idea 7:

Honestly this was just a headcanon I found in Amino, but if this were to happen then it would actually be sad

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Honestly this was just a headcanon I found in Amino, but if this were to happen then it would actually be sad. XD

Ok, that wasn't much but I can't tell all my secrets or ideas.

So yeah, cya!

Good luck if you borrow one of my ideas, let's hope that I'll be ready to read them again.

May your night
Shine like moonlight!
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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