White Christmas 1: A Soft Companion

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White Christmas will be my series of Christmas Stories about the hermits.

This story was inspired by Luigi and Polterpup's friendship in Luigi's Mansion 2 & 3

I don't think I'll be doing the 25 Christmas stories thing but I'll be making as many Christmas stories as I can. 😊

~~~Evil Xisuma's POV~~~

On a cool autumn afternoon, everything just felt wrong to me. Why you ask? Because I'm having a freaking staring contest with some random cat!

Me and this little feline unexpectedly bumped into each other and we just stood there.... confused. We both didn't even bother to move, till a firework was launched behind me, startling the cat to jump on top of me.

"Ex, what are yo- why are you holding Jellie?" Xisuma pointed at the cat that rested on top of my head.

I immediately tried removing the cat off of my helmet but it just kept on gripping onto whatever that's a part of me. "This stupid cat won't leave me be!" I huffed, giving up on trying to remove it on my head.

"Looks like Jellie likes you." He smirked, getting Jellie off of his head. "I don't care if this cat likes me, just bring it back to it's freaking owner or something." I scoffed.

Xisuma's smile suddenly disappeared, nervously chuckling to himself. "You see.... Scar is the owner of Jellie.... But he's not active apparently." He calmly explained. Almost like he read my mind, he immediately put his hand on my face before I was even gonna snap.

"But don't you worry, I can message him. Just watch Jellie for me will ya?" He innocently asked, as Jellie already jumped towards me. "No I am not taking care of this goddam-!"

"THANK YOU EXY!!" He cheekily smirked, already flying towards the sky. Leaving me alone....with this for God's sake cat that will never let go of my suit!

"Okay cat, I'm not letting you ruin my day so behave yourself! Okay?" All Jellie did was just give me this cute but stupid face, I swear I felt my face flushed when I saw that face. I gave a deep sigh, and continued walking through the districts.

~~~Shopping District~~~

I was planning on checking this elytra course I've heard of from X but that all changed when Jellie started running through the district, in which I tried chasing her, whether I like it or not. "OI CAT!! DON'T JUST RUN AWAY FROM ME!!!"

I huffed, trying catching my breath. I slowed my running when I realized that the cat was staring at this well structured shop. She was staring at Cherry's , with this some saddened look? Honestly I couldn't tell. But telling by the owner of the shop, I immediately knew the reason why.

"Don't worry, Xisuma will get Scar back and you both will finally be together.." I knelt down a bit, getting her attention. Almost like she understood me, she purred on my arm, rubbing her soft fur on me.

I blushed a bit. Awkwardly patting her head while looking the other way. Before she even tried jumping towards the unopened shop, her paw triggered a pressure plate, letting out this terrifying hissing noise that echoed beneath us.

"Oh no"


"Haha! You lucky immortal!" This dark deepening voice said, showing off his black tattered cloak from his hiding place. But suddenly broke of out character to realize who triggered it. "Ex? Jellie?" Ren called out.


I laid on the ground, hugging the cat in my arms. My suit got black sooth, but managed to survive. "YOU ARE EVEN LUCKY THAT JELLIE IS OKAY!!" I snapped, still hugging Jellie in my arms while picking myself up from the ground.

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