Tag me and I'll give up

475 8 8

Again, sucky titles when it comes to tag chapters.


1. If possible, which three hermits would you want to meet irl?

Umm.......any? But considering that it says three, Architects will be the closest thing to choose. But it would be an honor to meet any of them.

2. What would be your perfect scenario/situation when you meet one/more of the hermits?

It's not the most perfect thing, but my scenario is my most likely way of meeting one of the hermits. If Mumbo visits the Philippines again, and I unexpectedly see him walking through the street, my heart will literally race and if close say hi to him. At least freaking say hi!

Because during demise, Mumbo was like 5 freaking hours away from me!

3. What's your favourite demise death so far?

The very first death of the server, Rendog. You seriously can't blame Grian for laughing that hard. XD

4. Jellie, Maui, or Pearl?

Tbh I never really see much of Maui and Pearl. Also Jellie is so much fun to make a story about. ^°^

5. Which hermits do you watch?

Legitimately all of them, not at a regular day basis though.

6. Who's your favorite hermitcraft alter ego?

Evil X? Is he an alter ego? If not then screw it.

7. Who's your favorite hermit to write?

I have a timeline:

February-June: Grian, Mumbo, Iskall
June-September: Mumbo, Joe, Ren, Doc
October: Scar, Jellie, Keralis, Bdubs, Grian
November-December: Xisuma, Evil X, Joe, Mumbo

Mostly Mumbo, Joe and the void duo.

8. What's your favourite big event in hermitcraft so far?

Demise for the time being

9. What's your favourite hermitcraft song?

Iskall's dragon bro song apparently XD

10. Who's your favourite hermit?

*Processing sounds intestifies*

Grian is a personal favourite but now it's difficult to pick because I love most of the hermits. Scar, Mumbo, Xisuma, Keralis, Iskall, Ren, Joe, I can't pick. -^-

Like seriously, it gets harder to pick when you start watching other hermits. °^°

Tag time!


Ok lol, cya~~

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