Literary Stray Hermits (Pt. 3)

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Okay, I was too eager to make this chapter. I just can't wait till I finish this whole story, because of you people's reaction once we reach the end. 😂

Welp, I added another hermit in this story. Hope you enjoy.

~~~The Docs~~~
~~~TFC's POV~~~

There lay two bloodied up bodies soaked to the bone. Me and the rest of the men were here to investigate how our members are mysteriously murdered one by one. "Check if there are any signs of the enemy." I ordered.

Two men bowed down before they could arm their guns and secure the area. I bend down to investigate any fatal wounds aside from the hole on their chest. But seems to be a mystery to who is this enemy.

Before I could even open my cigarettes, another one of our men hastily ran up to me with his phone on his hand. "Sir, the boss has sended an executive to investigate the scene. He should be here in a few minutes."

I put back to cigarettes inside my pocket and just walked towards the stairs. "Let me guess who the boss sended." I sighed. "I hear that you guys needed my help- OHh shoot I missed!!"

Me and the men suddenly put both our hands behind our backs and faced forward to the blonde mafioso, standing tall and true. But with a psp in his hands. "Sorry TFC just let me finish this level before I head down there!" Grian continued playing.

"No problem Sir.... Two of our men were both found washed up near the river bank. Aside from the gunshot wounds, we couldn't locate who murdered them." I explained to the young blonde, but still continued playing his game.

"Ok then! TFC won't you mind taking over for me?" Grian asked as he immediately gave me the game. I hesitantly tried gripping at the psp, struggling to even play it. "Ahh- Sir I don't think i- AHH

I continued hesitantly playing as Grian jumped down from the stairs and inspected the body. "There are signs of a struggle, one of their necks have a mark. They're bodies must have been floating in the river for at least a good ten minutes." He continued.

I suddenly paused when I realized that I loss the game... "TFC-" "I'm sorry Sir, please give me a chance to redeem myself." I bowed down with sorrow, but he just gave me a wet gun. "Do you know the model for this gun?" He curiously asked.

I fixed my coat and hid the psp behind my back. "Yes Sir, that's a European model. Quiet rare here unless if you buy it outside the country." I explained, keeping my eye contact on the young executive.

Grian gave a little nod and slowly ascended up the stairs. "Try researching a little more on this gun, it could give us a little clue." He stopped at the middle step before he turned around to look at us.

"The enemy maybe unknown but they are near, don't bring your guard down...." I grimly glared at the men.

"Or you might end up like these two... Lifeless..."

~~~Golden Times Hotel~~~
~~~Joe's POV~~~

With both my hands on my pocket, I walked towards a white concrete building. The sun slowly setted as it's light beamed through the windows. Who knew Doc lived in a hotel room.


I entered the empty room, seemed like the rest of the mafiosos were researching this room already. Only a bed and a small stool stood inside the golden orange room.

I slowly sat on the stool, bringing myself to deep thought. "Doc, whether you were a traitor or not.... What happened to you after we left the bar?" I looked up at the ceiling to see a dark lining visible to the eye.

I climbed up the stool and pushed part of the ceiling, revealing a small compartment with a metal box inside it. I jumped down, looking curiously at the box,"Now all I need is a key". Before I could even look around, a vision came in my head.

Everything around tpme turned blue, blood splatters near my chest as I saw myself shot to the back by a bullet piercing through the glass window.

I snapped back to reality and swiftly dodged the bullet and hid behind the wall with my gun at the ready. I peeked near the window to see a man in a grey cloak, holding what seems to look like a sniper.

I knew I had to get out of here before they take the box...

~~~The Docs~~~
~~~Grian's POV~~~

I silently watched as the men continued investigating the place, and honestly I was bored. If only I could jump in the river and let the water take me to the death I longed for~~~

My daydreaming got interrupted by a single phone call from a brunette I know. "Hey Joe, what's up?" I kept my casual cheery tone. "I'm exiting the hotel, and I have the box." Joe responded from the other line.

"But one of the enemies are after the box I think and I might need help. I have the silver orac-" "Joe..." I interrupted. "There is no need for that stupid Oracle, don't stress yourself. Just buy some time before I get there."

I ordered, ending the call. I put the phone away and walked towards some of the members. "You six, your with me, arm your guns. The rest, wait for TFC's orders." I responded. And the men did exactly what they were told.

"We have an ex assassin to save..."

~~~To be continued~~~

TFC finally has some attention in this book, hooray! 😄

But if you people were confuse at the part when Joe saw himself get shot to the back and dodged it, I might as well explain. 😉

So basically in this world, abilities exist. Joe has the ability to see the future in 6 seconds, that's why he was able to dodge the bullet in time.

What can I say, I liked the anime's plot. 😊

However I'm still gonna add a few changes in this story, I don't want to copy literally everything in the story.

So yeah, that's all.

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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