I have some questions...

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1. Should I change my profile picture?
Because this is just a picture of my favourite anime character "Osamu Dazai" and I'm thinking of making a new profile. Unless you people want me to keep my profile like that, then it stays the same.

2. I'm going on a vacation to Palawan, so will you be ok if I don't publish again for even longer?
I'll try my best to get some internet when I get there.

3. What hermits do you want me to include on my next stories?
Because I've been stuck with "Infections to Dreams" for almost a month, and I'm wondering if you like me to include your favourite hermits more often after I finish "Infections to Dreams"

4. (Bonus Question) Who's better, Badass Mumbo (not my idea) or PAPA MODE JOEHILLS?!!

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