His other friends

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This story was inspired by The Steven Universe Movie and the song "Other Friends"

Spoiler alert: Spinel's Abandonment really did hit me a little. Because imagine that being a real life situation between friends, it's quite a sad story for people who experience this.

Originally the story was supposed to be focused on Evil X. But then....I remembered another character...a character that not a lot of people who would forget... especially if you were an OG Grian fan....

~~~Ex's POV~~~
~~~Unknown Area~~~

Let's just say that the weird portal near Area 77 perked up my interest, I couldn't help but go through and see where it leads me to. But I did not expect to end up in a middle of a dark oak forest. The moss in this place covered almost the whole area that you could mistaken this for a jungle biome.

Near the smaller trees was a small, rusty, old hut shadowed by the chunk of leaves in the trees, blocking little sunlight. I looked back at the portal that stood behind me and then back at the hut. I guess I could explore a little before going back.

I slowly swung the door opened till the door just collapses on the floor. Everything inside the little house was old, dark, left in ruins. I glanced at the single bed that lost its color, you could barely see the red color that is now a fade shade of pink.

The loot inside the chest next to the bed was in a blanket of dust. Worn out iron pickaxes no longer looked like iron and a few mechanical parts and tools rusted from time to time. "So it seems that the owner of the house was an inventor." I mumbled to no one but myself.

Dust particles became visible as they were air bourne all over the room as I held my torch high. Me and dust wasn't a good combination, which is why I'm glad I had my helmet.

I then realized the bright red color on the ground. Was it blood? No, presumably it was redstone powder. A few sprinkles of that created a line towards a hand made closet. This time when I opened the door, it did not fall upon me. A body figure looked unconscious on the ground, slumped near the rest of the piece of junk.

I was about to panic at the sight of a dead body, cautiously I tried checking if this someone was okay. But when my hand got intact with its skin,it was hard...and metallic. I noticed a few screws near his elbows and rust that stuck near its face.

It looked more like a robot, I sighed in relief and removed the idea that it was an actual corpse. But when I placed my torch closer to this machine...I realized color of its shirt was a slight faded color of red and the dirty blonde color that hid behind all that dust.

It looked...like....like that new guy?! Grian!

I felt the chills in my spine looking at this copycat. The thought of someone making a replica of Grian for some reason spooked me a bit. Why would someone make a robot that looks like him? Is it....some love sick fan of his? Or... maybe it was just by coincidence?...

Just as I was about to slowly back away from what I discovered, that...thING JUST SHIFTED!! I let out a loud yelp with the robot suddenly started standing up from its death bed. The Grian figure finally stood up, making all these mechanic and squeaky noises as it moves. Its eyes finally opened, letting out this bright red that could be mistaken for evil. Its red eyes scanned the area before it laid eyes on me, shifting its head a few times. But the blinking...wAs-jUsT-GoDaMN-diStUrBiNG!

"HELLO MY NAME IS NPC GRIAN." It replied, in the voice that sound so much like the newbie but without that cheery emotion and boisterous personality that the original person had. "Umm, hello? I'm Evil Xisuma..." Now I started thinking about the evil part. "Or Ex.." I awkwardly added but he did not react, it looks like his mind was somewhere else.

"HI EX, ARE YOU A FRIEND OF MR. GRIAN?" It asked. I felt surprised that he knew who Grian was. "MR. GRIAN PROGRAMMED ME TO WELCOME PEOPLE HE INVITES INTO HIS HOUSE." He added. Now it explains why someone would create a replica of Grian. Grian is the one who made him!

I wasn't able to answer his question till the robot started scanning all over the place. "WHERE'S MR. GRIAN? IS HE STILL WORKING IN EVO?  HE TOLD ME THAT HE WAS GONNA COME BACK IN A WHILE."

"Evo? What are you talking about?" I gave him a confused glance before catching his attention from the open door. "I don't know about this 'Evo' place but whatever or whoever it is he's done. He's been with us in hermitcraft for the past year now. He's pretty much moved on from his previous past." I explained. Sometimes Xisuma's lectures can be helpful at times.

What caught me off guard was that little of emotion that displayed on the robot's face. He was.... surprised.... "HE LEFT WITHOUT ME?..." He said with his metal head tilted down and his eyes lowering down near the end of his hair. That grape size hint of sadness almost hit through me too hard. "Yeahhhhh.... that's rough buddy." I scratched the back of my bad as I felt a bit of empathy because...I know the feeling...

"But if you like you can go see him again." I suggested to the robot. "He's about to leave hermitcraft 6 anyway, might as well go see him and his friends." The robot's head lifted, getting into eye contact with me. He stood quiet, eyes slightly closed as he gave me this- weird, look.

"FRIENDS YOU SAY?...." The NPC replied. A red scanner appeared so sudden as the red scanner beamed on my head. I winced from the light that shine through my helmet.

Before I was gonna say anything, the robot swiftly sprinted outside the door, leaving me in the dust. "OI, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!!" I ran outside the hut as I saw the robot figure running towards the nether portal. Next thing you know I was then flung in the air by an unexpected explosion!


Finally opening my eyes, I felt my body slumped on a hard woody tree. I carefully got up from my position as I felt the stinging pain near my left shoulder, but luckily it wasn't too painful. Whilst trying to get up on my two feet, I stumbled a couple of times on the ground. Once I did get up, my heart still beated like a tropical storm, I felt quite shaken up.

My breathing was unsteady, but I then suddenly forgotten to breathe when I realized....that the portal is closed. The purple light was no longer there, a couple of blocks of obsidian was missing, showing how powerful that explosion was. His only exit was gone...

"Damnit that metal head!" I cursed to myself, frustratedly walking towards the small hut. I opened a couple of chests till I found the one wooden pickaxe that was left dusted, but usable. I'll have to go on a mining trip I guess. A flint of steel will be easy to craft, but retrieving a block of obsidian...will be hard.

I took a few spare of armour from the other chests and prepared my expedition to find a cave. Once I go back to hermitcraft, I will have a piece of mind wITh thAt dOUble crOssing RoBoT!!

~~~~~To be continued~~~~~

Yeah, I'm finally writing about NPC Grian! ^°^

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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