Literary Stray Hermits (Pt. 5)

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Warning: it's short, lol.

~~~Hermit's Tea shop~~~
~~~Biffa's POV~~~

As I held the empty cups on my tray, I went to the entrance door to confirm that the tea shop is close for the whole afternoon. Before I brought my tray to the counter, I saw a familiar person sat down, reading his book, with half a full cup of tea in his hands.

I couldn't help but smile before I could go inside the kitchen. I walked towards him with a small cake in my hands. I placed it beside him, finally getting his attention from the book.

"You know Joe, if you really are that interested with that book, then why don't you write your own?" I kindly suggested, but he just gave a little shake. "As interesting as it is, I'll wait till the time is right." He responded.

I sighed at his stubbornness before I could just give a pat on his head anyway. "Is the kid doing ok?" He asked, closing the book. "Oh she's just upstairs, probably making little armer stands again" I gave him a warm smile.

"Thanks" he replied. Rising up from his chair and walking towards the stairs.

~~~Joe's POV~~~

I quietly open the door to see a small little girl quietly playing with her armor stands again on a simple desk. She really was suspiciously quiet, and it was kinda concerning me. "Cleo?" I called out.

She didn't move an inch. As I walked up to her, suddenly a cod face popped out infront of me face! All my nerves could do was point a gun infront of the cod, but then I realized that someone was giggling.

In the corner of my eye, Cleo was laughing at my state, holding a redstone dust. "Hahaha you fell for it!" Young Cleo giggled on the floor with a camera on her hands.

I stood up and looked back at the armor stand again. "Do you like my armour stand? I made it to look like Mr. Grian!" She grinned at me, waiting for my answer.

Although I tried not to laugh but I like how she used a cod head to represent the young executive's head. She's lucky that he's not here anyway. "Oh really, that's Grian? I couldn't tell the difference" I gave a small smirk before I could take my leave again.

But a tiny hand tugged my sleeve, getting my attention again. "Hey Joe... Will you play with me?" She asked, with a bit of sparkles in her eyes. But I shook my head and gave her a little pat. "Sorry Cleo, maybe tomorrow and that's a promise."

Cleo looked a bit disappointed but gave me a big hug anyway. "Bye Joe!" She exclaimed, closing the door behind me.... I walked back downstairs, getting the money from my pocket.

"This will be enough for Uncle...." I mumbled.... He's taken care of her for a while now, of course I need to at least owe him one....

~~~To be continued~~~

Because I have other things to do, I might take a break from Stray Hermits for a while.

Besides, I don't know if most of you are getting bored of this story. 😓😓😓

So goodbye for now Stray Hermits! ^°^

Hello Blood Lily!

"May your night"
"Shine like the moonlight"
"Ladies and gents! ;)"
"-Keichi Akechi"

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