What's to forget (Pt. 1)

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(If you read "I have some questions", yesterday I made it safely to Palawan, it was very fun. And since I'm riding bus to our next hotel, doing nothing. I thought I would make more stories once again)

Iskall was heading towards Grian's base for another architect meeting about Sahara again. Sahara was a big project, and they need enough resources and improvements.

Seeing as he wanted to enter the base with style, he want at the very top of the concrete building and swooped in through the big hole, passing inside the beam from the beacon.

He soon realized that he was swooping down very fast. But Iskall didn't had time to stop so he hastily shoot his rockets, avoid hitting the ground. But soon enough, crashed to Grian's messy storage with a big *BANG*!

Soon enough, Grian and Mumbo came up from the infinity room to investigate the crash they heard. They're question was answered, revealing a body lying near the chests.


Doc and Ren were at the stock exchange. After having their missing diamonds returned from who Sherlock Grian presumes The Jangler, they were able to return every diamond to their rightful place. And to celebrate, they relaxed near they're diamond jacuzzi.

"Bro, this is the life" says Ren as Doc nodded happily. "All we have to do is to catch the jangler, or jingler, or whatever! And get our revenge." Doc smirked at him. Soon enough, something appeared on their screen.

*Mumbo Jumbo: ISKALL CRASHED!!!!!!!!*

*Grian: don't make everyone panic Mumbo! Iskall just fainted, maybe a minor injury or two, nothing that urgent.*

*Impulse: Lol*

*Docm: Spoony as usual Mustache Man?*

*Mumbo Jumbo: :(*

*False Symmetry: glad it was nothing serious*

*Grian: help....*

*Grian: I'm no doctor*

*Grian: plss*

*Cubfan: Lol, never learned first aid. Such a shame*

*Grian: T^T*

*Xisumavoid: I'll stop by*

*Joehills: PAPA MODE ACTIVE!!*

Doc and Ren too left the Stock Exchange and flew to Grian's base. Wanting to check if Iskall was ok.


Once they landed, they already saw Xisuma and Joe infront of a sleeping Iskall lying in bed. Doc and Ren looked near the potatubes, to find Mumbo and Grian sulking due to the other hermits mocking them.

As Doc rolled his eyes from the Architect's sensitivity, Ren saw some bandages that Joe used on Iskall's left leg. But as long it was nothing serious, he can be at ease.....

(Soon in the future, Ren promised himself not to jinx everything he says. Because he was soon at ease for 5 seconds later)

Xisuma and Joe left Iskall in the base for two reasons. One, it'll be harder to carry Iskall till he's awake. And two, seeing as Grian and Mumbo's agenda was all clear, and X and Joe were busy, they were willing to help.

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