Infections to Dreams (pt. 3)

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(Honestly, I'm putting so much work on this. But it's for the readers. ;) )

                                  Iskall came by to Grian's base in the middle of the night, to check on his condition. But surprisingly, he wasn't in his bed... Iskall was already worried about it so he texted Mumbo.

*Iskall85: Grian is not in bed!*

                                  Five seconds later, Iskall was greeted by Mumbo who was immediately behind him. "I came as fast I can!" Mumbo says as Iskall flinched. "DUDE, NO NEED TO SNEAK UP ON ME?!!" He complained. "Sorry" Mumbo says as the started searching.... as the flew to the aviary, there lies a sleeping Grian on the grass. There were tears on his face, which concerned the two hermits very much. As Mumbo walked up to him, he slightly shook his body, causing Grian to slowly wake up. "Grian, your suppose to be in bed?" Iskall asked.

                                 Grian immediately took off to the skies. Causing the two hermits to follow him. "GRIAN, YOU ARE STILL FREAKING SICK!!" Yelled Iskall as Mumbo flew around the skies, trying to find where Grian went. But alas he was gone......  " Curse Grian for being a good flier." Complained Mumbo as they tried searching in the shopping district....

                                 They didn't want to wake up the others so they tried searching quietly. But no matter how long the searched, they still couldn't find Grian. They went to the other districts, the fantasy district, Christmas district, the railway network, even checked one of the bumbos to Mumbo's annoyance and Iskall's pleasure. They gave up and just woke up the whole server.

*Mumbo Jumbo: Grian is missing. We need help finding him before his fever gets worse.*

*Rendog: I'm already searching.*

*Joehills: PAPA MODE TIME!*

*Stress Monster: Oh dear! I'll help*

*Docm: I'll be there in five minutes*

*Cubfan: Con Corp is on the way!*

*GoodtimewithScar: What Cubfan said*

*Impulse: Imma sleepin.....*

*Mumbo Jumbo: IMPULSE!!!!!!!!!!

*Impulse: I'm joking you spoon! XD*


*Impulse: 0°0*

*Iskall85: Mumbo has became the new papa. ;)*

*Joehills: but I'm papa T^T*


                             No matter how many hermits were searching, he was no where found. There weren't that many hermits since most of them were on vacation. Mumbo and Iskall were searching near the Sahara project, hoping he's here. Mumbo was growing more worried while Iskall tried to calm Mumbo down. "It's ok dude, will make sure that Grian's sa- suddenly he was interrupted by a coughing fit. "It sounded like it came from behind the Sahara unfinished building" says Iskall as they both tip toed behind the building....

*Iskall85: We found him, everything is alright.

                            Grian was curled up like a ball, as tears flowed through his eyes, draining soo much energy in him...  Soon Mumbo gave Grian a hug. "Gri, what's wrong?" He asked with a calm voice. Grian didn't respond for a while, Iskall and Mumbo waited patiently for 30 seconds till he finally spoke. "D-Do you care about me?" Stuttered Grian, feeling the atmosphere change. Soon a soft chuckle was heard from the Swedish hermit.

                         "Now that's a spoony question. Of course we care bro. Everyone present in the server are worried sick about you, especially Mumbo." Iskall smirked as Mumbo blushed furiously. "I WASN'T THAT CRAZY ABOUT THIS?!!" He complained as they continued arguing till they saw him still crying, but smiling... "even after I almost killed you, after all those words they said....and yet you still love me...." muttered Grian as they both realized what was going on.

                         They immediately gave him a warm hug, never letting go. "No matter what Grian, you'll still be the Grian we know and love." Mumbo says softly as he took off his coat and placed the black fabric around the sick hermit. Grian leaned on Mumbo's shoulder as Iskall just rubbed his head softly. Even in the cold night, he felt warm when he was with the hermits.

                         Soon the other hermits came swooping in with concerned looks. Were in awe as they saw the three architects sleeping. "Con Corp will start selling these pictures" says Cub as him and Scar started taking pics. "I'll buy them" says all the hermits....


(How to end this?..... let me see your suggestions in the comments? Plus. I don't know if Mumbo is in papa mode are badass Mumbo mode.)

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