Enter the flame 3

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Before we continue, I'm just gonna say that I won't be uploading this weekend nor next week. I'll be going back to school tomorrow.

So before I leave, I'm just gonna share some fanart for "Enter the flame" ^°^

Ok let's continue!

~~~Scar's POV~~~
~~~Shopping District~~~

As I walked out of the portal, I fell down on my knees, trying my hardest not to cry....but it hurts even more to hold it in. My hands grasp the dirt, composing myself not to shed a single tear... Mostly Cub would tell me that crying is okay, but.... Part of me just didn't want to.

Instead i let out small hiccups, choking back my sobs, I felt like I was gonna go on a mental breakdown....


I slowly ascended my head, staring at the two worried hybrids infront of me. "R-Ren....Do-oc-" I kept stuttering my words, it was like I was losing my ability to talk.

"Dude, what happened you? You look your gonna cry..." Ren slowly rubbed my back, keeping his voice low and soft. But I didn't respond at all... Everything in my body shut down, I felt so traumatized to even mutter a single word.

"Ren, I think we should bring Scar somewhere else to comfort him." The creeper hybrid suggested. Ren silently agrees and places my arm on his shoulder. Doc did the same on the other side and the two hybrids helped me stand up.

Slowly they escorted me through the shopping district. My first thought was the stock exchange, but Doc suddenly stopped near the bridge, forcing Ren to also stop. "Doc,what are you doing?" He asked.

Doc removed my arm from his shoulder, suddenly grabbing a small torch from his pocket and held a flint and steel on his other hand. "F-Fake?!....Your A-All fake!!" He yelled, turning on the flint and steel, the torch's fire grew bigger.

I was in a sudden panic attack from looking at those fiery red and orange sparkle in Doc's eyes, just like Cub's. My breathing grew faster and heavier.

"Scar! Calm down!" Ren yelped, continuesly rubbing circles around my back but I couldn't keep focus from the slight blur I saw and the panic I felt. "Doc stop, your scaring us! Your scaring Sc- GAHH!!"

If my heart losed it's ability to pump up blood, I would have been dead by now....

I watched as Doc swinged the torch with a big swipe, and burned Ren's left arm. He fell to the ground, wincing from the black burn marked near his elbow...



~~~Doc's POV~~~

My eyes started  rapidly blinking, and my memory was foggy. A torch somehow ended up in my hand, its flames were unexpected massive, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be that massive.

I suddenly laid eyes on Ren, wincing every single time he tried to move. Without hesitation I kneeled towards Ren and tried patting his other arm. "Ren, what happened?! Don't move too much, that mark will hurt more if you will." I said, keeping myself from panicking too much.

Ren slowly tried opening his eyes, hesitantly pointing behind my back. When I turned around, I saw Scar walking towards the torch that I left on the floor. He lifted his hand and slowly let his finger get in contact with the flames, leaving a small black burn on the tip.

"SCAR DON'T TOUCH IT?!!" I yelled, immediately pulling his hand away from the torch. He let out a disappointed sigh, looking at me eye to eye. "Do you think.... burning to death would be the best way to die?"

My eyes widened not just by that slightly- no, VERY disturbing statement. It was also those scary eyes he has. It was no longer the beautiful emerald green, instead it was a mix of orange and yellow, glowing like the burning flames of the torch....

"S-Scar?" I called out his name. He looked so emotionless, yet a stream of tears formed on his face....

I stopped staring at Scar when I heard a small moan behind me, I forgotten that Ren was here, still untreated! I still didn't let go of Scar but I went fumbling through my pockets using my other hand, searching for the goddamnn communicator!

~~~~~To be continued~~~~~

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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