White Christmas 5: Afk ain't sleeping

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This is actually a mix request of Crimea66 and Cwancys because it almost has the same concept.

So you both will get what you want. ;)

Also this is like my second story that has a ship. Yeah, I'm not really know for shipping hermits. But my mind screams ships. XD

~~~Grian's POV~~~
~~~Mumbo's Witch Farm~~~

You know? Sometimes I think Mumbo is beyond spoon level at this point.

As his machines continue working in the middle of the night, causing some crazy lag. I wasn't able to sleep with all that glitching. Once I visited the source of the problem, I couldn't believe the nerve of that guy!

Alas Mumbo, is again, AFK, in the middle of the night, a snowy December night, and his scarf is the only warmth he has. His curled up position was visible inside the glass box, unaware of how his body is turning into a freaking ice cube.

I let out a deep sigh. Usually I would make fun of him and the amount of times he afks but I don't think afking this much is really good for his health, he literally needs proper rest if he wants to have the energy to build more lag machines.

But knowing Mumbo if I dragged him back to his base, he would be very annoyed if his witch farm will not produce anything and he wastes a whole night afking for nothing.

So instead I got my stone blocks and expanded a better platform and built a two block glass wall, keeping the cool wind from shivering the spoon to death. I crafted a spare bed and placed it near the corner.

I walked back to get the afk hermit. I put his arms around my neck and slowly I support Mumbo's body towards the corner and placed him on the middle part of the bed, wrapping the blanket on his suit. Bringing Mumbo Jumbo to bed, mission accomplished!

Suddenly Mumbo grabbed my hand out of instinct, his expression was more calm than before, hugging my freaking hand. My face felt warm and flushed, my heart kept thumping and thumping everytime I try not to look at the sleeping hermit....damn, as manly as his skin is, he is really an adorable spoon.

Instead of going back to my base, I sat beside the bed, letting Mumbo use my hand like a personal teddy bear. I let out a quiet yawn, rubbing my sleepy eyes. I needed to sleep.

Unfortunately I did not bring an extra bed.....oof.

And I 100% do not want to sleep near the cool floor, I will also freeze my death. And I can't go back to get a bed because Mumbo still has a steady grip on my hand, I can't leave him here! So there was only option...... I stared at Mumbo again, letting an exasperated sigh.

A carefully pushed Mumbo and the farther part of the bed and entered beneath the warm covers of his bed. Luckily I was a small hermit, according to everyone apparently. I shrugged off that thought.

By now my face was really flushed red now. I stared at the opposite direction, feeling the warm body touch mine. To be honest....it felt comfy.... I just hope he won't panic by the sight of me sleeping with him. But knowing him... He will. Oh well, I have a very reasonable explanation in the morning anyway.

My eyes slowly flickered, letting all the warmth embrace me as I dozed off to my imaginative mind....

~~~The End~~~

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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