Feelings are like glass (Pt. 1)

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                                    Grian was just hanging out in his base, trying to find something in his big pile of chests and shulkers. "Where is that stupid book?" Complains Grian as he was thinking of trying to fix this storage system. "AHA I FOU- it's just a potion." He says disappointingly. He then accidentally slips it off his hand, causing the potion to spill across the floor and his shirt. "Great... now it's a bigger mess..." he says with a sigh as he goes to his other neat and new storage and gets a new shirt. He gave up defeat and let that book stay loss in his storage forever. But as he was about to go to bed, he felt some light around his base getting brighter, his eyes felt heavy and everything went blurry. He closed his eyes and fell asleep...

                                  Mumbo flew to Grian's base, wondering if he could borrow some redstone from him. As he landed, he saw Grian just fixing his potatube. "Morning Grian!" Says Mumbo with glee. Grian looked at him for a second, and just turned back. Mumbo looked at him with confusion. "That was rude" he thought. The way Grian looked at him, like he was annoyed with him. " You alright Grian? Is their something wrong or your having storage prob-" " I'm fine you talkative spoon! What do you want? Complained Grian as Mumbo felt hurt. Grian is acting a little strange. "I just came here to borrow some redstone if your ok with it?" Mumbo says nervously. "Whatever, I'm busy here can't you see?!" Grian says with anger, as Mumbo quietly left his base. "Did I do something to him?" Mumbo asked himself as he flies to the shopping district. As he goes inside the redstone shop, he passses a chatting Iskall, Impulse, and Doc. Iskall then looks at Mumbo buying some redstone, most of the time he's always happy when he buys redstone, making more lag to the server. But he looked rather uncomfortable.
                                    "You ok bro?" Asked Iskall. "Yeah... just had some problems." Mumbo slightly smiles. Impulse and Doc looked at Mumbo, knowing too well that he's lying. Then suddenly they say Grian swoop in to buy some redstone. "H-Hi Grian, what brings you here?" Asked Mumbo trying not to show that he's scared. "Obviously buy redstone. It's the reason why a never gave you redstone you idiot! Grian says sternly, as Mumbo flinches. "Grian, that's a little too harsh" Joe says as he appears out of nowhere as everyone flinched at Joe's arrival. " After all, words are as sharp as a knife." He says calmly. "Joe's right, your being too stern with Mumbo, was this the reason why your uncomfortable Mumbo? Asked Doc as Mumbo looked down in shame and nodded. "Well Joe, is a sword sharper?" Grian says with an evil look on his eyes as he gets a sword from his inventory. Then the atmosphere felt chilling. Mumbo looks at Grian's eyes, they were looking cruel and blood thirsty. They were all cautious, realizing that Grian lifted his sword and slashes Mumbo's arm!...
                                         Everything went slowly, as Mumbo fell onto the ground with blood spilling around the grass causing everyone to be petrified. As Grian was about to slice him again, Impulse gets his sword and blocks him. Doc and Iskall gets there swords to help Impulse but Grian pushes Impulse away and lifted his sword again "DIE MUMBO JUMBO?!" Yells Grian with evil glee as Mumbo couldn't move due to the pain and closed his eyes. "MUMBO?!" Yells Iskall and Doc... When Mumbo opened his eyes, he saw Grian trembling... the sword near his face... "e-esc-ape Mu-mmbo..." mumbled Grian as Mumbo was shocked at this point. Suddenly Grian was tackled to the ground, unexpectedly by Joehills.
                                        "KILL MUMBO AND PAPA MODE WILL TURN ON ULTIMATE POWER!!" Yelled Joe as Iskall who of course was serious about this situation, tried not to laugh. "Papa mode..." Iskall thought as he tried not to smile. "JOE, LET ME GO?!!" Complained Grian. " SHOUT ONE MORE TIME AND I'LL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS AND I MEAN IT!!" Yelled Joe violently as Grian paused for a moment and stopped. Doc went to help Impulse out, Joe tied Grian's hands with a rope still having to hold him tight, while Iskall immediately goes to Mumbo. Mumbo, still holding his arm as blood gushes from a little part of his abdomen.
He then fainted, before hearing someone calling his name....

                                       Mumbo woke up, still feeling so much pain in his body. He was still wearing his suit but there were bandages on his arm and abdomen. He saw that he was inside Iskall's base, full of mostly all the hermits. Iskall, Impulse, Zedaph, and Tango were there talking. Doc, False, X, and Cleo were at the corner explaining about their current situation. Jevin, Wels, and Rendog were near Iskall's kitchen, drinking some milk. While Joe was at the other side of the room... guarding Grian who was now behind bars. Suddenly he heard Stress shouting beside him: "HE'S AWAKE!!" Everyone immediately went to the bed with worried looks. Stress then tears up, hugging Mumbo. " I thought I would lose a friends..." Mumbo looked at her, slightly smiling. " I'm alright Stress." He says as everyone sighed in relief. Tango then replied: We got the news from Impulse so we rushed to your aid." "We even brought medical tools and some food" says Cleo as she puts a glass of water on the table.

                                      "Bro, don't scare us like that?!" Yells Iskall with annoyance. " When you finally feel better, I'm actually gonna kill you." Taunted Iskall as the others chuckled at the swedish hermit. Mumbo too chuckled, but stopped when he looked at Grian behind bars. Still looking scary. "What happened to Grian?" Asked IJevin. "He doesn't have the nerve to kill people in hatred..." Grian then chcukleu causing the whole room to stare at him. " Correction, I have the nerve to kill Mumbo" he says as Mumbo responded: Grian... what happened to you?... I thought we were best friends?..." he asked sadly. "Then I realized it was the biggest mistake in my life." Grian says as he looked at Mumbo with the same blood thirsty eyes he saw before.

                                     "You were not just a spoon, but a fool! Your nothing but some idiot-looking butler, always messing up like the big fat spoon you were. Seeing you everyday... makes me want to KILL you even more! I want you to not exist in this world, I want to torture you, I want to never see your stupid face again!" He laughed with so much evil around his dark aura. Mumbo  felt his heart hurt more than the wounds he received from him. Then everyone looked at Grian with hatred. "GRIAN YOU IDIOT, MUMBO IS A GREAT MAN!! WE NEVER CARED IF HE ALWAYS FAILS, AS LONG HE NEVER FAILED TO BE A GOOD FRIEND!!" Yelled Iskall with so much anger. Then False joined in: I HATE YOU!! I HATED THAT YOU HURT SOMEONE WHO ONCE CALLED YOU A BEST FRIEND!!" "WHY DID YOU COME HERE TO HERMITCRAFT ANYWAY?!! YOU WERE JUST HERE TO DESTROY MUMBO!! WE SHOULDN'T HAVE NEVER INVITED YOU!!" Yells Rendog as Grian looked down at the ground. Mumbo then realized a tear fall down from Grian but soon heard laughing from him.

                                       "Like I care anyway! Hating Mumbo is my goal, and killing him is my dream!" He says as Stress slapped him. "Shut up!" She says as they realized that Mumbo was gone. Iskall went outside to check. He saw Mumbo sitting near the mountain of ice... crying... Iskall then hugged him with warmth... " I miss Grian..." mumbled Mumbo.. " but he's dangerous?" He replied. "I MISS HIM!!" Mumbo yelled as he tears streamed even more down his face, he hugged Iskall tight... " no matter h-how much I wanna hate him.... I just still think of him as a friend....."
Iskall now knew what Mumbo wanted... he wanted to hug Grian, confront us from saying all those horrible words about him, he's not angry at Grian.... but us.... He still felt pity for him... evil or not... "I'm sorry...." says Iskall. "Come on bro, we have to get out of this frozen ice before you catch a cold?" He says as he helped Mumbo walk. Suddenly X came out, wearing his elytra. "Iskall, brb? I need to check on something?" X says as he flies off. Leaving both of them confused.

                                        Grian's eyes were looking so evil and malicious that False forced him to wear a blindfold. Now their not sure if he was asleep or awake... In the middle of the night, everyone was soundly asleep. But Mumbo suddenly woke up by Grian wiggling in his sleep, murmuring: "get out... cure.... X....." Grian murmurs. He sounded like his normal self. Then Mumbo tip toed near the cage, putting a blanket on him. Grian, who was still struggling in his sleep. Cause Mumbo to worry, as he slowly went to bed and winced in pain when he laid down due to his injury. He immediately fell asleep, hoping this was a nightmare...

(Thebirdfantasy, thank you for the suggestion. I am already hurt)

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