Jokes and quotes

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Don't ask why I made this, I tried coming up with a few jokes and quotes, trying to avoid reading Tumblr. But.... Some are in Tumblr.

But if the quote or joke sounds stupid then I made that quote.

And before you ask, yes I know people are making these quotes, I'm not being a copycat. (Me saying that I'm not now makes things suspicious XD)


Iskall: Do you know what I wanna wish on my birthday?

Ren: what?

Iskall: to find you inside the box. ;)

Ren: but why?

Iskall: *face palm*


*hermits trying to have a roasting competition*

Cub: were you born on the highway? Because that's where accidents happen.

Mumbo: no, I was born in a test paper. Because I was a mistake....




Iskall: your a good person Grian.

Grian: what makes you say that?

Iskall: because you never look down at others! :D


Grian: I quit Architects now.


Joe: I have my reasons to why I don't trust Iskall with math.

Joe: because Iskall 8 5 °^°


Xisuma: someone offered you $ 200,000,000 but if you accept then your most hated person in the world will get $ 100,000,000. What do you do?

Doc: of course accept, why wouldn't I want to receive $ 300,000,000?


Mumbo: come on Grian, you need to drink your medicine.

Grian: No, medicine is disgusting!

Mumbo: *holds medicine* but this medicine is one of the very best! Now that they added a bit of fruity flavor, this medicine became every kid's favourite medicine!

Grian: hmmm.... Sure. *Drinks medicine*

Mumbo: is what I was told about anyway.

Grian: *runs toward the nearest bathroom*

Mumbo: .-.

(True story) ;)


Joe: do you know what's weird?

Cleo: what?

Joe: people pay to see the world either succeed or suffer very clearly.


Cleo: I mean, God did gave us eyesight. We have to at least repay hi-

Joe: what are you talking about? I'm talking about how people have to buy glasses just to see the world clearly.

Cleo: .-.

Cleo: ohhh.


Scar: I don't feel good.

Cub: you just caught a cold, you won't die.

Scar: but what if I do?

Cub: then I'll find another friend.

Scar: I'm feeling better already. °^°


Mumbo: are we hermits reliable?

Grian: yeah, how come?

Mumbo: because you always look up to us.

Grian: well I do- *realizes what Mumbo meant*

Mumbo: :)


Grian: quitting the Architects wasn't enough.

Grian: *leaves the server*

~~~Bonus Joke~~~

Joe: too big is too small.

Xisuma: what?

Joe: too big is too small.

Xisuma: Joe, what are you even talking about?

Joe: I'm saying that water is too small.

Xisuma:....... Ok?

Joe: :)

(I think you'll understand this joke if you live in my country, I just like using this to mess around with my foreign friends because they actually don't understand what I mean XD)


Ok..... I guess that's it.

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Reflecting the sea
Ladies and gents! ;)

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