Tea is the best medicine

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This story is based off my recovery!

I've been ill for 4 weeks, it started few days before New year. I had signs that I was ill on the first week but it was a simple cold. Second week my fever worsened, so I'm sorry about that announcement I posted near New year, I haven't felt that sick since 2016.

But the next two weeks, I slowly regained my energy back, I still had a cold though. And now for the first time in forever, I can finally breathe properly without the aching chest everytime I cough or when my nose is blocked.

I am free! :D

[Though I think I lose part of my voice but still! I can breathe!]

~~~Iskall's POV~~~

4 words... I lost my voice.

For the past week, my throat started to feel sore after returning from funcraft. Usually I am a very talkative hermit, but ever since I lost my voice other hermits starts suspecting whether I'm okay or not. And in all obvious answers... I'M NOT!!

Though it still didn't get in the way with my plans on my mushroom island, there was always that constant tickle in my throat that always seems to bug me from time to time. But was even worst is that for some odd reason, like my day couldn't get any worst! I somehow developed a cough, and it hurts everytime I did cough!

The frustration I felt whilst continuing with the structures, I slowed down a bit, promising myself to finish this project for the day... I dropped my building blocks before covering my face and started a coughing fit.

I slowly leaned near my structure, letting out an exasperated sigh. At this rate I'm not gonna get anything done. My body trembled from the cool winds, and my chest ached from all that coughing. Honestly I can't even breathe properly.

Before I tried to continue building, a bucket of water then appeared infornt of my face. "I think you might need this love?"

I looked up and saw the one and only Stressmonster, back from her 1 month break from hermitcraft! And as much as I love her company, I just wished she didn't see me in this poor state.

I gave a little nod, showing a sign of appreciation. I accepted the bucket and slowly gulped half of the water easing the pain from my throat a bit, before trying to surpass another coughing fit. The sound sounded rough and horrid, it was getting even worse.

I then felt a warm hand rested on my back, slowly rubbing small circles around it. "It's okay love, better let it out than in." She said, along with a concerned smile on her face.

"Iskall, how about we go rest in my castle? It's a cosy place especially if you live in an ice biome, plus I have some cough medicine there!" She asked. My head started to shake for a no.... But there was a hint of worry and sadness in Stress' eyes when I declined.

"Come on love? If you want to feel better then you need some TLC from your one and only friend, Stress" she waved jazz hands around. I couldn't help but let out a little giggle, hurting some parts of my throat but I chose to ignore it for a while.

I rolled my eyes at her and gave a hesitant nod. She started jumping around, clapping her hands for joy! She then softly held my hand and led me into the portal.....

~~~Stress' Ice Castle~~~

After that journey back to Stress' castle, she placed some magenta carpets on the floor, leaving me to rest near the fireplace. I rested my head on my knees. My throat hurt even more whilst surpassing those coughing fits, but when I couldn't, my chest ached even more as I tried to breathe.

I groaned, covering my face beneath the knees. My eyes stinged of tears that slowly formed in my eyes. No matter how warm or cosy it was here, it couldn't keep me that comfortable for long...

Footsteps echoed behind me, Stress came back with a small tray in her hand and a cloth between her and her arms. She frowned at my poor state. "Iskall love, you okay?" She asked.

My only response was another groan, leading me to cough again. I sniffed at the scent of steam and honey, the eroma gave me the energy to perk up my curiosity and slowly lift my head up. She forwarded me a small cup of steaming tea in her hands.

"Usually putting honey and lemon in tea helps me when I have sore throat, Here." She handed me the cup, I winced a bit from the  hot surface of the cup but slowly I took tiny sips of the tea.

At first the taste felt a bit sour but soon enough I could taste the honey, so the tea wasn't that bad. My throat was at ease after taking a few more sips so the tea really was a big help.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot about the cough medicine!" She gasped, retrieving some pills from the tray and handed it out to me. I took the pill and swallowed it down my throat, then drank the tea to wash it down.

"Th-hanks Stres-" I whispered. It was raspy but the message was clear. She grinned delightly, giving me a big warm hug. "Don't mention it!"


Suddenly something start vibrating inside my pocket. When I took it out, a message popped out in my communicator.

Grian: Hey Iskall, were gonna have an architect meeting today!

Grian: and this time Mumbo will actually show up!

Mumbo Jumbo: don't rub it in!

Grian: ;p

We both stared at the message for a while. I hesitantly tried getting up from my sitting position till Stress grabbed my arm and carefully pulled me back down. Out of nowhere she swiftly grabbed my communicator before I was even gonna make a sound of complaint.

She gave me a small glare, warning me to stay still in my position. Her serious expression didn't leave her face, she began to type something in my communicator. After a while staring at the screen, her expression softened into a smile, and happily returned back my possession.

Confused on what she typed I looked back at the screen and read the extra messages that popped out.

Iskall85: this is Stress typing back. Apparently Iskall isn't in any state to attend the meeting for now, doctors orders!

Iskall85: he'll be gone for a day or two. ^°^

Mumbo Jumbo: ohhhhh!

Grian: fair enough. Tell him I said hi! ;D

Mumbo Jumbo: get well soon buddy. ≤3

Grian: ≤3

Stress pulled out a rather large blanket and placed the thick-layered cloth all over my whole body. She sat down and joined in on the blanket party, sitting beside me. She leaned her head on my shoulder, holding her other cup of tea.

"Isn't it nice to feel accompanied by a friend when your not feeling well?" She mumbled, closing her eyes to enjoy the silence in her stone bricked castle.

Alas! I small smile formed on my face, for the first time in 24 hours. I gave a silent nod... I placed my cup on the ground and placed my right arm around her shoulder. My chest slowly felt at ease and my throat was less sore now now.

Wow...the tea really was helpful, so was Stress!

The coughing has finally died down and I was finally able to hear nothing but the sounds a few dogs barking and wind holwing through the caste walls. Honestly.... It's great to have Stress back to the server....

~~~~~The End~~~~~

Welcome back Stress! ^°^

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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