Behind the Mask

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So this story is actually based of another poem made by my classmates.

Because why not? Their poem was good.

Also I was inspired to make this by a hermitcraft fan animation I found in YouTube called "Evil's Fault". A very great video! ^°^

~~~Keralis' POV~~~

I cheerfully walked through Hermit Land, the clouds covered the sun, keeping the atmosphere cool. I was bringing the treasure island tokens I collected from the shopping district and was bringing them to Mumbo's recent game.

Just as I was to turn around, a red and grey figure appeared infront of me. He oddly looked familiar, almost reminded him of Shashwamivoid. Took me a while to realize that I was staring at Evil X?!

He looked rather surprise to see me, he immediately got his elytra and flew away.

I tried following him but I lost him in the clouds, when I flew out of them, I couldn't see Evil X anymore. Didn't Shashwami once said he banned him months ago? It's no surprise that he suddenly came back.


I looked for him for like 5 minutes now but he was no where to be seen so I just gave up and flew back to Mumbo's game.... Once I arrived, I was surprised to Evil X again!

Evil X realized that I was here again and tried flying off. But this time, I was fast enough to fly towards him and tackle the X hermit on the ground . "GOTCHA!!" I exclaimed, but he seemed to be suffocating on the ground.

"Geez, let a man breathe at least!" Evil X huffed, removing the dirt on his face. "Oof, sorry~" I chuckled, trying my best to stand up but suddenly fell back on the ground.

Once Evil X picked himself up, he looked at me, confused. "Dude, are you gonna stand up or what?" He asked, but I just gave a nervous laugh. "That fall hurt my head a little" I replied, slowly trying to stand up but felt part of my head aching.

Evil X just looked at me, like I was some child or something. He put both hands on my shoulders and forcefully but carefully pushed me on one of the benches and made me sit down.

"Stay." He replied with no hesitation and left me alone on the bench. I was starting to question if he was leaving me or not but I just did what he said anyway.


30 seconds later he came back with one ice block and a handkerchief in his hands. Before I was gonna ask him something, his hand gave me a signal to shut up!

"Before you ask, yes I paid for the ice."

He hastily replied, wrapping the ice around the handkerchief and put it on my head. "Might as well make sure.... You don't have a continuous headache later on..." He muttered, looking away from me. But I just gave him a smile.

"So you have a good side huh?" I chuckled, probably triggering him a bit. "At least be thankful that I have one." He replied with his hands hidden in his pockets and looked down on the ground.

I stared at him for a while, he looked kinda down and depressed after giving that statement.... Although I saw something shining at the opposite side of Evil X, it was.... A treasure token? He held it tightly in his hand, trying to hide it from plain view.

"So you want to try Mumbo's little game!" I exclaimed though it seems to provoke him more. "Shut up!" He cover my face with his hand. I removed his hand from my face and gave him another giggle.

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