Let it out

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So..... Umm.... The story behind this was actually something based on real life.

To make things even sadder, I actually experienced this right before my eyes.... 😐😓


Also this universe is the same universe where my stories
like "Feelings are like glass" and "Infections to dreams" takes place but months later after that incident.

(Aka because Mumbo needed a plot)

So good luck!

~~~Joe's POV~~~

"Wait, tell me again why you want me to watch this movie again?" I asked with confusion filling in my head. Cleo wanted to invite me to watch a movie with Mumbo and Scar and her reasons to why I should join seemed a bit..... Unexpected.

"Because Joe, I chose a sad movie and I want to see whether you are gonna cry over this or not." She replied with a little smirk on her face, eagerly waiting for my answer. But I'm still too confuse about this.

"I'll gladly join but I'm not sure if I'll cry. After all, movies aren't real." I chuckled, patting the zombie's head. But she just pouted at me. "Just you wait Joe, now you will know how everyone feels when they get the feels!" She exclaimed proudly as she flew off to the distances.

I gave another chuckle as I continued walking through the shopping district. "Even as an adult, hermit's can be childish at times" I mumbled.

~~~ Scar's base~~~
~~~Cleo's POV~~~

"I'm still questioning why you want to see me cry" Joe mumbled in his seat. "I mean it's understandable, it's not every day that we see you cry." Mumbo giggled. "And I mean, we never see you cry at all."

"Still, what do you mean?! Is this some fetish or something?!" Joe kept questioning till I suddenly through a pillow on him. "Oh stop questioning Joe, we are here to enjoy a great movie!" I exclaimed, but Scar just rolled his eyes.

"Enjoy? You said this was sad, how are we gonna enjoy?" He smirked but I just through another pillow on him. "Oh shush, your just complaining because it's not a Disney movie." I smirked at him, leaving a glaring Scar and two laughing Mumbo and Joe.

"Ok ok, let's watch the movie. I am too tired from area 77 theme park." Scar got his cake and a little Jellie with him.

~~~ 2 hours later~~~

"NOOO, HE DIED!!" All my tears streamed on my face, Mumbo just laughed at me even though he too had tears on his eyes. "You chose this movie, of course he was gonna die." "Still! And he admitted that he was friends with him as his last dying breathe!" I tried reasoning.

Scar continued cuddling Jellie but with no tears on his face. "The plot was too dark". But he gave a sad frown "But I just felt bad for the other guy, I know that he betrayed them but he really wasn't planning on being friends with them. And that's sad."

"JOE I SEE YOU CRYING!!" I exclaimed happily, catching Mumbo and Scar's attention to the other hermit. "No, it's ninjas cutting onions" he replied hiding his tears. But the others weren't buying it, giving a whole awkward, quiet room....

"HIS FIVE CHILDREN DIED THEN HE GOES ON A KILLING RAMPAGE THEN HE DIES!! OF COURSE IT WAS TOO DARK AND SAD FOR ME TO HANDLE!!" Joe tried wiping his tears but was distracted by the constant giggles from the three.

"Geez calm down Joe, you said it was just a movie after all." I said in a teasy tone, Joe just rolled his eyes but gave me a smile. "I'm gonna go calm myself down before I get another rant about the movie" he walked outside the caverns of the volcano.

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