To: Everyone

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Ok! thebirdfantasy

You gave some people a lot of words of encouragement because of your announcements, now it's time to return the favor! ^°^

Now, I bet everyone already knows this feeling of being distant to others because you feel like a bother to them. Which I can't really blame if you feel that way. Ever since starting first year of high school, I never really showed my crazier side yet. 😅

Even though I talk to them, I don't exactly want to intrude into their conversations and just shut myself up. Even if I consider Devil-san_666 as a best friend, I can't always call her the closest, she has others too in her life.

Now before you start thinking that you are a bothersome to others, I want you to confirm it!

Because I have this feeling that you are pushing others away from you while they slowly pull you towards them. Like your to scared to accept them while they are already ready to accept you.

I know not everything that I'm saying will always come true.

But I want you to know that everyone will always lonely and will stay lonely for a very long time, but there is always a possibility of someone behind you, waiting for you, waiting for the person you can bother all you want!

So never think of yourself as a burden to others, I want you to confirm it.

And thebirdfantasy, I can't really speak for everyone because it's really their own opinions but I want to let you know, that you were never a bother to me. 😏

And good luck to the nearby future!

-Keichi Akechi

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