Infections to Dreams (pt. 5)

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Now technically what's happening in this story was requested by Pi0_Human, because her request was perfect for this story and I had to end it.... so anyways, enjoy it.

Mumbo saw Grian sitting on the opposite side of thebed, he was pointing at the chest for some reason. "I collected your stuff..." he said as Mumbo nodded and went to get his sword and elytra and stuff.

""I'm searching for a reason, can't you see?""

"Grian?" Called out Mumbo, Grian still didn't look back... he stayed quiet for a while...

""All that I want is to remain as me""

At last Grian spoke "I wish this was a nightmare..." Mumbo stared at him with sad eyes "me too...."

""Myself, and I""

"I wish I never stumbled upon that potion, why was I too stubborn to care?" Grian complained, his voice was still deep but clear.

""If I'm inside your heart""

Mumbo felt concerned and yet mad at him... why won't he stop thinking about it?.... when will he move on from that?.... Grian needs to stop over thinking about the situation...

""No matter if we're worlds apart, this is only the start"""

"Grian, I'm alive, I'm ok, your not ok, you need to rest" responded Mumbo....

""Though I'm walking through the darkness on this lonely road ...""

"Mumbo, it's not ok.... I can still remember those scenes playing in my head. I want it to end... but it will never...." he says as he looked down...Mumbo couldn't bare this anymore.....

""I feel it rising up in me, the sound of ever lasting hope""

He walked to the other side of the bed and put both of his hands onto Grian's shoulders firmly but carefully, surprising the blonde hermit.

"Grian, everyone wants to end this stupid nightmare OK?!!" Mumbo complained as Grian looked at him with a surprised expression.

""So if we travel onwards, this will be are last meeting, will we still continue smiling""

"I just want everything to be normal, I want to continue our projects, I want you to stop thinking about that day you almost killed me!" Mumbo yelled, his eyes looked glistening and teary but he forced himself not to cry.

"When there are things you can't let go.... it truly becomes a nightmare.... it can affect someone's daily life, personality, sometimes their sanity..." Grian continued listening to him, as guilt rushed through his mind.

""So when will move on forwards, the world unfolds before us, will continue our exploring"

Mumbo stayed quiet for a while, till a tiny smile formed on his face and he looked up to him... "if that happens, then it's never too late to call out my name." Grian sat there at Mumbo's suggestion. "Call out your name?" Grian asked himself.

""I am calling out your name, tell me that your doing the same"

The mustache man nodded to the blonde "anytime your in trouble.... not just me but the other hermits are there to support you. You have nothing to fear"

"I'm doing all, I can so that you'll never have to change"

Grian realized that tears started to fall on his cheek, but he wasn't surprised, he had been almost crying for the whole night. Who knows when the sun will rise.

"Whenever you are drowning in an overflowing sadness and your tears continue to fall"

He looked down again on the floor, and noticed that he wasn't feeling that scared and depressed since Mumbo said those words. Even the spoon himself is no spoon with words.

"Whenever you are flooded by all the hard times that you never wanna recall"

Mumbo really was trying his best to hold out the tears but his vision was starting to get blurry, he then noticed Grian was chuckling at his naive perspective.

Oh how wrong he was to pinpoint that Mumbo was suffering from this hellish predicament when he realized that it was his own problem.

"I am calling out your name, tell me that your doing the same"

"I have to apologize to you Mumbo, and everyone" Grian admitted.... "Seems that I gave you one hell of a nightmare here, how did I even ended up on this beautiful server anyway?" Grian laughed, trying to show Mumbo that he wasn't faking it.

"When I was crying out for anyone...."

He then was suddenly pulled into a hug by the mustache hermit, Grian then hugged back, letting all the tears he tried so hard not to shed much but ended up onto Mumbo's shoulder.

Mumbo gently rubbed circles around his back, calming him down from all the crying and drama here. He could feel his warm body warming him through the cold night, due to his fever.

He actually almost forgotten that he still had a fever, so he slowly and carefully let go of the hug and laid the blonde hermit onto the bed. He went to get the forgotten wet wipe and put it back on his forehead.

Mumbo sat beside the bed, individually giving Grian the letters from the other hermits one by one. They laughed and awed at the words these dear hermits had written and suddenly fell asleep...

The nightmare stopped, everything was fine..... all it's left was to sleeping architects....

"It was you alone that came......."







Iskall swooped in, noticing the two hermits smiling in their sleeps. He couldn't help but take pictures at this scene.

He went to his enderchest to retrieve a spare bed, he placed it beside Grian's and carefully placed Mumbo onto the bed, wrapping him with blankets.

Iskall felt like a big brother, caring for his two younger brothers. But he didn't mind, as long they won't give him his own nightmare..... marrying diorite....

Before he could even leave, he suddenly stepped back to quietly sneeze onto his elbow. "Dammit, why did I sleep beside a sick hermit?!" He cursed, and he swear to god he saw Grian smirking in his sleep.....

~~~The End~~~

If interested, the song was called "Namae wo yobu you" an english cover, and ending song from the anime called Bungou Stray Dogs. (I think you can only find it at youtube)

I'm sorry if I haven't uploaded in a while, I think it's called writer's block. But I'm back anyway, my internet is working, and I FINALLY finished this story.

But hope you enjoy this story, and thank for the request again, it was very interesting to write.

See you beneath the
Ladies and gents ;)

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