Surprise Attack!

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For this story, this was from a small conversation I had with one of the hermitcraft authors, about months ago.

~~~Mumbo's POV~~~

It was a cool afternoon and Halloween was already around the corner. I was just relaxing near my farms, taking all the time in the world to collect the resources I'll need in the future.

Because for obvious reasons, I will be winning those 50+ diamonds!

But aside from that, it's just a way to take a break from the Halloween shenanigans that's been going on in the hermitcraft server.

The sound of the clicking clacking of the dispensers dispensing and the light pop of the items dropping to the hoppers just satisfied me, everything was in order and place, I could stay here building farms for even longer...


I went inside my storage room and gathered all the resources I need to make my next redstone farm, now all I needed was my stone bricks and ice. Yes, everyone loves ice apparently. So I can't really complain.

I hummed my way towards the chest, I opened my chest to not only find stone bricks or ice, but a rather unexpecte-

"SURPRISE!!!" The figure jumped!

I let out a loud yelp before I tumbled back to my organized pile of shulker boxes. was organized till I fell on them. My eyes widened when I realized who was in the chest. A certain little, cheeky hermit.

"You shouldn't have seen the look on your face!" Grian giggled, but still inside the chest. I glared at the giggling gremlin as I slowly stood up from the pile. "Geez Grian, I almost got a heart attack" I exasperatedly sighed.

Though Grian still kept on laughing, I was suddenly wondering why he's still not gonna get out of the chest, he already scared me, he should be going by now. But when he suddenly tried moving, I gave a little smirk.

"Grian?" He looked at me with smile, trying to cover up his problem. "Yeah Mumb-o?" He stuttered but I gave out a little giggle. "Are you stuck?" I tried holding all my laughter out but it felt difficult for me.

Grian gave a nervous smile before he finally accepted defeat, he scratched his head, his face was blushing of embarrassment. "...yes..." He mumbled, and I finally let out all my laughter. "Mumbo?!" Grian exclaimed, as my laughter died down.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out." He finally stopped laughing and starting pulling his arms out of the chest. But instead it ended up breaking the chest, all it's left was just the wooden blocks.


After getting Grian unstuck, we both sat above my afk box. Grian still wasn't happy about the fact that part of his mission was a fail. Although he did scare me, he wasn't expecting to get stuck inside the chest.

"Now that was not funny...." Grian gave a grunt, but I kept on smiling like an idiot. "Why were you even there anyway?" I asked, as Grian stood up showed two fingers in his hands.

"Two reasons: One, I wanted to scare you a bit. And Two, I wanted to see if I could fit." Grian explained, but didn't seem happy from his second statement.

"You kinda fit, you just got stuck" I chuckled again.

"On the bright side Grian, it shows that you've at least grown." I teased him a bit, he gave me a glare as I continued smirking at him. "Your mean Mumbo, you always look down on others!" Grian whined.

I was about to give another remark before I realized something.... Something so wrong.... Something that Grian said.... I looked at my side to see Grian quietly laughing in the corner of my eye. "Grian you didn't?...." I mumbled, I felt so shocked.

He burst into laughter, flying away from the box. "REVENGE!!" He exclaimed but I was already chasing in burning rage. "GRIAN GET BACK HERE!!!"

~~~The End~~~

I actually hope that one of you will find out what Grian did to trigger Mumbo. ;)

Also, ausforyou , I'm wondering if you still remember this. ;)

So yeah, this story was inspired kinda by you. ^°^

"May your night"
"Shine like the moonlight"
"Ladies and gents! ;)"
"-Keichi Akechi"

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