To: I_love_Polar_Bears

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To: I_love_Polar_Bears

So... I read your recent chapter and how you were having problems. I don't really understand much but I can tell already that many of us doesn't want you to leave.

I mean, you have like 100+ comments begging you to stay strong and don't leave. Which I think is really sweet. ^°^

(Now this is when I'm hoping you didn't completely left Wattpad yet,  or I don't know who I'm giving this message to °^°)

Now I can't really beg you to stay since I can't talk sense to other people, I'm just there to listen to their problems. But I know that there is probably a couple of people who understand how you feel, couple! Most of us probably experienced those times when you fake a smile.

So if you are really leaving Wattpad, I'm just gonna say good luck for you in the future. ^°^

Know that we readers enjoyed your stories and enjoyed your presence. And it seems sad that your giving up with Wattpad but you did say you used this to distract yourself.

But just know that lots of us cares for you even if you decline that you are a bother to everyone. I mean bruh, we bother everyone with our stories! (In a good way).

So again, good luck for you in the future! There is a light that's waiting for you... It's just not easy to get to, so don't easily give up with life.

-Keichi Akechi


Whether you'll decline every message I made for you, whether you comment someone negative, this message was worth making and I don't care if you think that this was pointless! Because it was my choice and my choice only! Ò^Ó

Ok lol I'm calm now, bye.

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