Change your mind

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This is another songfic, because why not?

I posted like 3 chapters today, that's how willing I am to complete everything before Tuesday. Oof.

You can check the song if you want before reading the story. ^°^

~~~TFC's POV~~~
~~~Hippie Land~~~

The sun started to set, the bond fire illuminated my shadow. I sat on the course dirt as I watch the fire's flames shined brighter as the sun slowly disappeared from view.

I wanted to feel nature at it's beauty, taking a break from being captive in my underground bunker. The only place I could feel peace was of course, the hippie commune. The plants and vines may have overgrown a bit but sometimes when I visit I would always trim them.

So yeah, the hippie base is kinda like my chilling spot. Nowadays the hippies have retired from this place, the Renbob guy was nowhere to be seen so I kinda had this place all to myself for the time.

Today though, I wasn't in a good mood. I needed back up and think to myself about the future of my career, my mental being, in peace..


My eye twitched, moving my hand near where my sword rested. The footsteps crushing the grass and leaves sounded closer, they didn't even bother to stay quiet. Let me guess who it is....

"Hey man!"

A man, in an olive green jacket, flowers around his head and his whole body was soaked to the bone. My brow rose, staring at this trembling... hippie? "Rendog?" I called out.

The man let out a chuckle as his hand formed into a peace sign. "Nope, it's your friendly neighborhood Renbob man." He grinned delightly but his eyes says otherwise. The pure blue eyes of his were droopy and tired.

"Mind if I join you man?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No not at all." I smiled, patting the dirt beside me for the hippie to sit. Renbob sat near my knees, rubbing his cold stiff arms as he tries to dry himself near the fire.

"M-My hippie van wasn't working man, I had to make a crash landing near a river. Got lost for 5 minutes in this w-eird funland thing" He shivered more from the small dusk of wind, moving an inch closer to the fire.

Tired watching this man shiver himself to death, I took a towel I had in my inventory (because why not) and dumped it on the hippie's dripping hair. "Better way of drying yourself kid." I replied. Renbob gave a nod of appreciation and blanket his shoulders.

The sun had finally set. The lights around this place were more visible, the exit near the garden was now pitch black. We both sat there in silence, listening to the wood burning to a coal black color.

"I'm excited for season 7 man." Renbob muttered, smiling to himself. "Once I fix my van, I can go to season 7 man. Maybe I might make an appearance in my good friend, Rendog's video man." He said to himself.

"Well I'm glad your excited, because I won't be continuing to season 7." I replied, chuckling a bit. But I did not expect the hippie to look in utter shock,his eyes widened. "Your missing the next season? That's not right man!"

I let my smile sadden, resting both my arms near my knees. "No hard feelings, just don't think I'm really doing well...." I stared at the flames glowing even more than before. "I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I think it's time for me to retire. Maybe I'll inform X once he comes back.. I don't know."

The screeches of phantoms echoed through the sky, ruining the peace and quiet of this camp.  The hippie took off his glasses and gave a deep sigh. "Geez Tin, I'm gonna miss you." Ren went out of character, pausing his hippie imitation. "Everyone will...."

I just sighed, but still pulled off a warm smile. "I appreciate your honesty Ren. I'll miss you a-all." I sniffled, wiping that tiny little tear that strayed near my eye...

"Hmmm you know what brother? I'm gonna try and change your mind!" Ren exclaimed, standing up from his seat with determination. I looked at him bewildered, followed by another chuckle. "Really now? I've been thinking about it for months now Ren, there's no turning bac-

Out of nowhere, Ren had a guitar in his hands. He looked at me, sad and a bit bashful. "I can't really force you to stay, it's really up to you. And I know this won't fully change your mind.... But I want you to at least know that we're here for your Tin.." he began strumming a few chords continuesly with his fingers......

"I don't need you to respect me, I respect me"

The hermit softly sang, pausing everytime he finished one sentence.

"I don't need you to love me, I love me"
"But i want you to know you could know me,"

"If you change your mind..." 3×

I sat quietly, listening to the song. If I change my mind? I mean.... I love hermitcraft, it was my home, my happy place. It was not like I didn't like the hermits, they were the greatest... I just don't think I should ruin what they have...

They're perfect, I'm different. There is a border between us. And yet.... One hermit tried crossing that barrier.

"You don't need to change your colors, but believe me."
"You can still love one another, please hear me."
"We could get to know each other as a family."

Ren raises one eyebrow, grinning cheekily like a little kid after saying that last sentence. "Hehehe" he giggled. I just rolled my eyes and smiled more at his song.

"If you change your mind...." 3×

Ren's smile fell into a slight frown, looking downwards at the instrument he was using.

"I know it's hard to change your ways."
"When perfection's pressing in"
"Let's say goodbye to our diamond days."

Ren retrieved a single diamond from his pockets and dramatically threw it on the fire as a joke. Even if he was wasting one diamond, he still couldn't help but laugh at his actions

"Let a brand new era, begin..."

As soon as he stopped strumming. He slowly walked around the campfire after playing another tune...

"I don't need you to respect me, I respect me
"I don't need you to love me, I love me"
"But i want you to know you could know me,"

He walked back to me, sitting next to me. He still continued playing.

"If you change your mind"
"If you change your mind"
"If you change your mind"

"Change your mind...."

Ren's expression changed to a surprised one once I started clapping. "Nice song." I said. A little smile formed on his face, he placed his off hand on my shoulder, gripping firmly. "I hope you paid attention with lyrics TFC." He replied.

"Yeah... I did." My head hung low, repeating the song inside my head, I started understanding what Ren was trying to say. I gave another sigh. " I might think again about leaving....might!"

The hermit showed a little smirk before turning back into his rightous form. "That's awesome man~~" Rendog- I mean Renbob calmly exclaimed, then soon enough he started playing the guitar again, but this time playing a different song.

"Hehe, I guess so." I grinned, grabbing the extra bread I have in my inventory. I'm feeling a bit peckish.

~~~~~The End~~~~~

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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