My Realization 2

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I read "My Realization 1" and realized my mistake, I forgot to put a reminder....again...

Doc did not permanently leave hermitcraft, he's just left the server for a while. Also no perma death, I will be nicer with the angst because...... Well... It will make sense in the end.

Oof....I really can't stop thinking about Doc's video. Funny yes, I kept on laughing about the leaked footage. XD
But imagining it being reality is just creepy. °^°

~~~Joe's POV~~~

Once again I sat on the statue of hermity. I don't why I did, but that conversation me and Doc had last week...hit me too hard for comfort.. in a hour I will be doing another livestream at my Hermitage again.

I had to prepare a small poem for my outro, but all I've been thinking was what Doc said. True, sometimes people would judge us just by how we act in our videos. People see me as a funny man who wastes half of his time fixing a creeper hole. And though that might be true, I think there are times when people don't take me seriously because I'm...a funny man.

I snapped back to reality and immediately scrambled through my inventory for my pen. What was I doing staring at the air? And you can't even see air. I needed to make the poem! I only have 30 minutes left before my livestream starts-


I paused when I heard the same sound I heard last week, was it Doc again. When I turned around I was surprised that it was not the creeper. No, instead I was greeted by someone else. "Why Joe, didn't expect you to be here. Thought I was gonna be alone." He chuckled to himself before walking towards me.

"By the way, thanks for making that 'bunker' of yours inside the statue, otherwise you would see an ugly dirt pole beside this magnificent monument." TFC added, standing just beside where I'm currently sitting.

"Heh, good thing I lit up the inside or you would be meeting Doc and Cleo's cousins by now." I grinned cheekily before TFC suddenly ruffled my brown locks like I'm some kid. "Aww too bad, a lonely man such as myself wouldn't mind to make a friend or two." He chuckled again.

"But jokes aside, it really would be nice to enjoy some nice little company. Sometimes I regret making a base underneath the ground, makes me feel a bit lonely." Joe glanced at how TFC's little smile slowly fell into something sad.

"Yeah...Demise helped my understand what you meant TFC." I replied, being a nomad roaming around from bunker to bunker has its lonely times.

I then realized about the topic we're talking about. "TFC?" I called out, getting his attention from whatever negative thought he's thinking to himself. "Is there...any reason to talk about, this topic?" I asked but all he did was hung his head, avoiding eye contact.

"Well.. sometimes I just feel like an astronaut, lost in space. I'm not really a very well known hermit, but I don't care about status or popularity." He concluded. "I just really... Don't feel like I fit in....yeah." he sighed, hiding his hands inside his pockets.

"And what makes you think that you don't fit in? Your TFC, you take things to it's beautiful and simplest forms! What makes you think that the hermits don't care about you?!" I exclaimed. But TFC just let out another chuckle. "I'm aware that you kiddos care about old me, but...." He paused..

"TFC, sometimes people feel like they don't belong here, that's normal. But remember, we hermits are a dysfunction family. We all are well knitted blanket because we always stick together, remember that." The old hermit stared at me, quite surprised. But his warm smile came back from his face. "Is that so? Well then... I'll keep that in mind." He replied...

"On the contrary of our topic, I can see why you feel like this. I once had the same experience as you..." I muttered, looking down at the leather book I almost forgotten that was in my lap. "You do?" TFC asked. "Yeah, a handful of hermits have these days. Me, sometimes Cleo, maybe Impulse?"

"Wait Impuls-"

"Maybe Wels, or Python but he left, I think a couple of times Xisuma....Doc.... Grian maybe?"

"Wait you mean the newbie?" TFC's eyes widened from the previous hermit I mentioned. "You sure Joe? He's quite a very social person, almost the icon of a lot of hermitcraft related stuff."

I took a quick glance from his confused expression, now it was my turn to chuckle. "But it doesn't mean that there are times when he feels a bit different from among the others. This is his first season of hermitcraft after all, he's still getting accustomed to this server."

TFC stayed quiet until he attempted an apologetic bow. "Yeah, sorry for my rudeness. I just don't know Grian that much.." he apologized before standing right up again, showing his expression finally softened.

He extended his hand towards mine and gave a small handshake. "Thanks for the chat, Joe..." The hermit thanked.

"No need to thank me, thank weather for the peace and quiet." I grinned, staring at the cloudy skies that covered the bright beams of the sun. TFC waved his hand with his warm smile back on his face and descended down into the statue.....

I looked back at my notebook, remembering the livestream I was suppose to start in 20 minutes! I grabbed my notebook and retrieved my elytra from my inventory. I glided down through the shopping district and landed near the stock exchange. I think I have some time to come up with a poem.

But...I didn't knew that it would be difficult this time...

~~~~~The End~~~~~

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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