White Christmas 2: The turtle is back

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There is something with me and catching small colds today. And it's not even that cold today.... Welp at least my body still has energy. ^°^

~~~Zedaph's POV~~~
~~~Shopping District~~~

I walked towards the white concrete building of Sahara, leaving my foot prints marked on the thin layer of snow. It was almost Christmas, yet I was in no bright mood at all. Hesitantly getting my diamonds from my pockets I look at the sign that stood before me.

Alas Sahara was out of stock, which means no golden carrots, which also means traveling all the way to IDEA just to get what I need.

I felt too stressed out to even travel all the way there. I collapsed beside the machine, daggering my hands through my blonde locks, I felt like I wanted to cry out all my doubts and complains away. All I could feel was this backstabbing pain in my chest....

The chilly winds blew inside the building, part of my hair waving through the air. I tightly fixed my warm scarf on my neck and continuesly rubbed my arms from the cold breezy air.

My stressed out mind was soothed by the wind bouncing between the walls of Sahara, I wrapped my arms around my legs, curling my whole entire body into one. Everything went black the moment I closed my eyes......



My body tensed up after hearing the sound of something break. I realized that I was standing, but not infront of Sahara but infront of some kind of mini store? Chips, sodas, can goods were all over the shelves.

One shelf laid on the ground broken, all it's products were scattered on the floor, and an unfamiliar man kept mumbling to himself as he tries to fix what's broken.

"Ehemm... Excuse me, Sir?" I cleared my throat.

The man suddenly scrambled all the products, pushing them behind his back. Then swiftly stood up with a nervous and anxious smile on his face. "You s-saw nothing!"




The tension between me and the man was..... awkward. He lifted his left foot and pushed the can behind him, but he should know by now that I'm not that dumb.

"Don't tell anybody!" He whispered, slowly pushing the mess away from my view. I stood there confused... I didn't know where I am, how I got here, and when I got here. And where's hermitcraft?!


A hand holding a can appeared infornt of my face. "Don't worry, I'll pay it for you." He cheekily smirked as gave me the drinj, exiting towards to white blanket that covered the area.

I followed him, knowing me I'm just as lost as ever, and this man seems to know where he's going.


We both walked silently down the allyways of this little town, with our sodas still in our gloved hands. He seemed a bit more focus with the music that played from his headphones so we both didn't talk much....

Well.... I didn't really feeling like talking much.... I still was a sour candy....

"Hey, what's with the troubled face?"

I snapped back from my train of thought, realizing that the man took his headphones off, standing patiently beside me. I gave a slightly warm smile, shaking my hand. "Nothing. Just confused that's all." I replied, as we both walked towards the nearest bench.

"So I guess your not from here?" He smiled, leaning his back on the bench. "Where do you live?". For once I genuinely felt a bit happy and proud to answer the question. "This wonderful place called hermitcraft!" I exclaimed.

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