Infections to Dreams (pt. 2)

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                                Let's just say it was a scorching hot day in the hermitcraft server. And seeing as Mumbo already felt better, he wasn't planning on cooling down by the water to his disappointment. (He didn't want to risk it) Grian announced that he and Iskall will have another Architect meeting. So he flew off to the white concrete tower...

                                As he landed on the floor, Grian wasn't seen anywhere. The base was empty and quiet, all you can hear are the parrots in the aviary. He was still wondering where the strawberry blonde hermit was. So he had no choice but to wait at the infinity room. But as he fell in the hole, he already saw Iskall who was holding a bucket of water on top of a sleeping Grian, who was sitting on his quartz chair. Mumbo, who still was confuse about this situation finally spoke. " Iskall.... what in the holy mackerel are you doing?" "Obviously I'm gonna wake him up" whispered Iskall with a smirk on his face. Mumbo who was not liking the idea of Grian getting soaked was too late to stop him. Iskall immediately poured the bucket on the sleeping hermit. Causing him to wake up and wince in surprise like a cat. "Good morning sleepy head! Slept late?" Iskall asked, grinning like an idiot.

                                Grian mumbled at Iskall with annoyance, and left the room to change his soaked clothes. Leaving a smiling Iskall and a spoony Mumbo inside the infinity room. "Sorry not sorry Grian!" Yelled Iskall with glee... as Grian came back with dry clothes, he glared at Iskall to his annoyance. "Alright everyone! After that wet disturbance... we can start talking about the Sahara project." Says Grian... as they talked about what to add in Sahara, many ideas popped in their minds. Including putting a diorite room with diorite blocks to sell, suggested by Grian, who now pissed off Iskall as Mumbo tried his best to calm everyone down.

                                Finally, after the architect meeting was done, they planned on chilling near the base in the cool shade of Mumbo's base, considering that Grian's base has a hot atmosphere. After all, summer was starting. Iskall swam on the sea, while Mumbo and Grian just chill at the sand. Mumbo really didn't want to get sick again. But before Mumbo was about to watch Iskall's swimming techniques, something was caught on the corner of his eyes. Grian was slightly trembling... not that kind of trembling when your scared. But he looked a little cold.... "IMPOSSIBLE!! IT'S THE MIDDLE OF A HOT DAY, HOW COULD GRIAN BE SHIVERING?!!" Thought Mumbo to himself, as he tried to compose himself. Grian's face looked a little dazed, then soon started to sneeze as Mumbo flinched by surprise beside him. "Bless me" says Grian with his casual smile as Mumbo was now starting to get worried.

                               What makes Mumbo concerned more? Grian immediately fell asleep on his shoulder... "nothing out of place, it's normal..... WHO AM I KIDDING?! GRIAN FEELS TOO WARM!!" Thought Mumbo with sooo much concerned. Luckily he wasn't the only one who noticed his condition. Iskall too noticed, he stopped swimming and dried himself. Then touched Grian's forehead, feeling all the guilt inside of him. "I shouldn't have soaked Grian from head to toe..." regretted Iskall. Soon Mumbo and Iskall were carrying the sleeping hermit to his base. They tucked him in, putting a wet cloth on his forehead.....

                                Grian woke up feeling the warmth of the blanket that covered his shivering and tired body. And the softness of the  pillow underneath his head. He was greeted by a worried mustache and swedish hermit. "Glad your ok, you got quite the cold" Mumbo says with a warm smile. "How long were you not feeling well?" Grian slowly sitting up, feeling all the energy in him drained to the bottom. "Ever since yesterday" Grian says as he coughed slightly. Then both looked at each other with surprised faces, then looked back at Grian. "Before everyone felt better? Your saying that you got infected?!" Yelled Iskall with concern. "No... it was probably due to collecting all those seaweed... and maybe when you ill hermits coughed or sneezed." Grian says as he scratches his head. "Then Iskall pouring water on you made it even worse." Says Mumbo as Iskall glared at Mumbo. "No need to rub it in." Complained Iskall.

                                 For the whole day, Mumbo and Iskall stayed and helped Grian feel better. A couple of hermits would past by and say hello to him. It maybe bad enough that Grian wasn't feeling well, but they actually enjoyed their company. It was the first time they hanged out together without any work in forever..... Iskall needed to finish something, so he promised that he would come back. Mumbo left to continue lag busting his base, so Grian peacefully slept through the night.....


                                Darkness filled the room.... Grian couldn't see anything, it was pitch black. But he was walking, so he knew the room was big..... as he kept walking in the never ending darkness, suddenly a flash of light glowed on him. He was suddenly in horror! A dead body with a ruined black suit was in front of his very eyes.... cuts and wounds were found everywhere in the body, blood was spilled on the floor.... then he realized that the body belonged to..... "MUMBO!!" Grian yelped as he ran to his body, not caring about the blood that was stained on his shirt.....

                               Grian was so paralyzed... he wanted to get revenge for the person who did this to his best friend. But suddenly, he realized that he was holding a bloody knife.... Grian's eyes widened, realizing who killed Mumbo Jumbo.... his heart started to race, his eyes started to get teary. He then heard voices.... familiar voices..... taunting him..... upsetting him..... depressing him..... hurting him......

                            "HOW DARE YOU KILL MUMBO GRIAN!!" Yelled Iskall inside his mind. "BETRAYER, TO THINK THAT WE WANTED YOU AS OUR FRIEND!!" More of the hermits' voices started echoing through his mind as he still held Mumbo's body. "YOU EVIL BRAT, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?! AFTER EVERYTHING WE DID FOR YOU!!" "No..... stop?..." pleaded Grian.... " I-Its not me-" "IT'S YOU AND IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN!!" "GET OUT OF HERMITCRAFT, YOUR NOT WANTED HERE!" "I HATE YOU, WE HATE YOU!! WE ALL HATE YOU!! IHATYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOU!!" "Please...." Grian was already in tears as he looked at Mumbo's dead body....

..........................."I'm sorry"...........................


                           Grian woke up with cold sweat, realizing that it was just a dream.... his eyes was full of tears........ Ever since he turned evil last week, he couldn't forgive himself. He almost killed his best friend, even hurts his feelings..... he even heard all those things his friends said...... he got out of his bed and flew to his aviary. He then sat on the grass and curled himself, as tears fell to the ground. His body felt so much pain. He didn't care about his fever.... he just wanted to be alone..... he just wanted to cry.....

To be continued-

Joehills: again, why are you making Grian suffer again?
Keichi: it hurts... but I'll always find a way to make this story a beautiful ending.
Joehills: ........... seems fair

                                    Next time on infections to dreams (pt. 3).....
No spoilers...........

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