Infections to Dreams (pt. 1)

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(Obviously this idea was from someone, but then I added my own ideas to that person's suggestion. So hope you like it.)

                                         It was during a normal day in hermitcraft. Grian was just hanging out with Mumbo, who was just lag busting his base. (Suggestion from Joe in "A poetic man to the rescue) Seeing as Grian finished all his projects this morning, he might as well take an afternoon break with Mumbo. Except Mumbo wasn't really taking a break. But Mumbo didn't mind, he loved some company. As Grian was checking around his base, he suddenly got startled by a sound of a sneeze. He looked around to find the mustache hermit covering his face with a handkerchief. "Bless you Mumbo. You feeling alright?" Grian said with concern.
"Nothing at all" sniffed the mustache hermit. It was probably some dust. He says as he goes inside his base.

                                         Grian knew something was up, so he went inside, to see Mumbo sitting on his bed. Coughing as he held a thermometer. Mumbo then flinched when he realized that Grian put his hand on his warm forehead and sighed: "Mumbo, you are sick..." he said. "How long have you been feeling like this?" Mumbo paused for a moment, and replied: After helping Iskall with his new ice sculpture for hours. Grian then looked at Mumbo, with so much awkwardness filling the atmosphere. "That explains everything you spoon!" Grian says with annoyance as he went to get a cold wipe. "Mumbo Jumbo? You are gonna be afk in your bedroom. And no complains."

                                         Mumbo who was in no state to argue, just took off his suit and laid down in bed with his white polo shirt on. As Grian put the cold wipe on his head. He then sat down beside him and just patted his head. "Mumbo, your warmer than before." He says feeling worried. "It's just a fever" Mumbo says as he drifts off to sleep.

                                          For the last 5 days, Mumbo wasn't doing well. The other hermits heard the news and came by to check on Mumbo. But no matter what, his fever had gotten worst. Stress would stop by to bring chicken soup to him. (Correction: Sally Soup ;) ) Doc would bring some medicine to him, Iskall would bring some ice to cool down his temperature, Joe was just being Joe entertaining him with poems and stories like a TRUE papa! While Grian, just stayed by his side over the past few days.

                                           Suddenly... they heard news from Scar that Cub felt under the weather yesterday. While Tango and False also fell ill this morning. The hermitcraft server was starting to get sick one by one. So they created the idea to bring all the sick hermits to Mumbo's place, so they could take care of them. But sadly, more hermits were infected by this strange virus. Soon Doc, X, Jevin, Cleo and Zedaph were sick. Leaving only Iskall, Impulse, Wels, Stress, Grian, Joe and Scar in perfect health.... for now at least.

                                           Scar and Joe were watching the sick hermits while Stress and Impulse looking in a book. "Aha!" Exclaims Stress. "We found the cure for this weird virus!" But then Stress' smile broke into a frown. "But it's a potion and one of its ingredients is too rare. I mean... a grey flower and 1000 seaweed!" Wels sighed "now what?" Grian was about to leave the base. "Let's hope for the best." He says as he flies off to get some supplies...

                                            As they continued reading the book, Impulse took over for Iskall to take care of the hermits while Iskall takes a break and reads the book. And to his surprise, jumped out of his chair. "This virus can sometimes just give hermits normal fevers and instead of serious infections?!! HOW COME MUMBO ENDED UP GETTING THE INFECTION INSTEAD OF THE FEVER?!!" Iskall yelled in anger. Then a soft but weak voice was heard near Impulse and Joe. "Because it's rare for someone to get lucky....." Mumbo mumbled as he coughed. "Sorry, did I wake you up?" Apologized Iskall. "Nope, you woke us instead." Said a grumpy Doc he covered his ears. Same did the other sick hermits.
Iskall blushed embarrassingly as he bowed down to apologize.

                                            Suddenly a wet- blonde hermit came in with tons of shulker boxes. "Hey guys, got the ingredients!" Grian says cheerfully as he waved the grey flower. "How on earth did you get the flower?!" Asked Stress in shock. "It's a sercet!" Grian says with a mischievous look in his eyes. "Still doesn't explain how you got soaked" replied Joe. "Ahem.... 1000 seaweed." He says as he squeezed his shirt. Stress checked the shulker boxes revealing all the ingredients including a ton of seaweed. "This is just what we need!" She exclaims as she starts brewing.

                                            For almost one hour, Mumbo just threw his suit on Grian. "Too wet" Scar mostly was at Cub's side, while Joe was reading more poems to the sick hermits, causing them to sleep from boredom. (This is the power to make sick people easily sleep. It's called PAPA MODE!!) Stress and Wels finally came out of the room revealing a ton load of potions. And immediately throws it all over the hermits causing them to wake up. "OI!!" Yelped Rendog and the others. "Why include us?! Were not even sick?!" Yelled Joe with anger. "Come on daddy, you said no wasting your medicine?" Smirked Iskall as all they hermits were so getting revenge. Whilst Grian just came back from the other room, due to changing his soaked clothes.

                                             The next day, everyone was eventually better. To show proof they were fine, Iskall was chased by an angry mom, it's their way of getting revenge. While Stress, Mumbo and Grian, not part of the revenge squad... For now the great Joehills wa-

Keichi: wait a second?... why are you the narrator in this story?
Joehills: Because I'm bored of doing nothing...
Keichi:..... minus the great Joehills part... now proceed.

                                              On part 2, things will be angst and emotional once again. Let's hope for a good ending...


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