White Christmas 4: Dead break

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~~~Cub's POV~~~
~~~Halloween District~~~

The village was covered of snow, the dead team seems to have difficulty setting up traps around the server. Well, one dead person didn't care about the traps anyway.

I sat on top of the little Halloween houses, watching Scar's attempt to make a snowman. He roamed around Joe's untouched farms to find a perfect carrot, Jellie followed behind him as she plays around with the tiny snowflakes that glided down to the ground.

Me? Honestly I had nothing to do but giggle at how much snow Scar has on his hair. He's mostly just playing around the snow with his little cat Jellie, I swear to  he is gonna get himself a cold one day if he won't put on some more warmth.

Alas he came back empty handed, with Jellie still following behind his tail. He flopped on the ground, given upped. "Geez Scar, you could have just asked me." I giggled, holding an orange carrot in my hand. He gave me a deathly glare before he happily accepted the carrot and sprinted towards his masterpiece.

"Wait, is that what I think it is?" I jumped down to check on the familiar snowman. Scar let out a giggle before putting both of his arms on the two little sticks that sticked on the snowy sculpture. "Hi I'm Olaf and I love warm hugs!" He tried copying the voice but ended sounding like some high pitched school girl.

"I feel like your implying something here...."

Scar cheekily grinned, placing his scarf on the snowman's neck. "That is....if you can't control vex magic?" He smirked.

"Oh shut up." I tackled my childish partner onto the snowy ground. We both started giggling as we lay on the snow, suddenly bursting into laughter as we look at all the snow that covered a full body.

"Okay seriously, we have to go back to the the dead team's base before we end up like your Olaf." I dusted the snow off of my pants, followed by a sad "aww" from the active hermit. "Okay." Scar pouted, scooping Jellie into his arms as we both walk through the Halloween village.


I gave a sigh, turning at the man with the hat, covering the lower part of his face with his one hand. "See, what did I tell ya!" I burst out laughing again, Scar's face was flushed of embarrassment. "Oh shut up, one sneeze doesn't prove anything!" He defended.

My laughter died out, putting one hand behind his shoulder as we both walked towards the dead headquarters.... Yeah, sometimes it's fun to forget about demise and enjoy the better things in life....

~~~The End~~~

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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