Con Corp Snooping

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On a lazy afternoon, nothing was really going on. All the other hermits weren't doing any projects or some sorts. They just chilled back in their bases, or just walked around all the districts. Cub and Scar were just swimming around the pool and playing golf. After their retirement, they were both just walking aimlessly around the course, wondering just how to entertain themselves. As they went inside, they both talked and eat cake... until Cub responded "Scar, do you ever wonder what the other hermits do during their days chilling?" "Sometimes, it would be nice to prank them or something considering we have nothing to do." Scar says as he chomps the last piece of cake. Then suddenly they both had an idea. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Asked Cub with a smirk. "Release the drones?" Scar says as he holds the drone. "RELEASE!!" Yells Cub as the drone flew away, ready to be spying on th hermits. Cub and Scar goes to their security office and watches where the drone goes. At last they spotted a hermit, it was Stress rounding up her chickens. "Wonder what she's doing?" Asked Scar as a chicken goes on one of the pillars near the ceiling and lays an egg on Stress's head. "OH MY GOODNESS, CHICKEN?!!" She exclaims.
They both laughed at the scene they watch before them and knew it was a good plan. Soon they left Stress's base and led their drone to Iskall's base. As the drone goes inside Iskall's empty base, they heard singing.
"Who knew Iskall could sing?" Asked Scar impressed.
As they followed the voice, the sound of water splashing to the ground echoed through the room. But finally they realized, that a singing Iskall was a bad omen to their eyes. Iskall was seen in the shower ... naked... it was normal since they were boys, but they jumped out of their chairs. Wincing in disgust as they close their eyes!
"Take note, never follow the sound of a singing Iskall in his base?" says Cub as he was still seeing the mental picture in his head.
"Already did, literally!" Responded Scar holding a paper and pen.
After that disgusting experience, they went to Mumbo's base. And surprised that Mumbo wasn't anywhere doing some redstone stuff. But alas they found him, they immediately laughed out loud. There was music coming out the jukebox, and Mumbo was their... horribly but entertainingly dancing Macarena.
Mumbo sang along with the song as he moved his hips around with delight.
(Keichi: I'm already having the mental picture inside my head XD)
Cub and Scar laughed so hard that they were already sounding like they were dying inside.
"BWAHAHAHAHA I NEED TO BLACKMAIL THIS TO MUMBO!!" Says Scar as he immediately screenshots the picture. 
As Cub tried his best to stop laughing, they led their drone  away Mumbo's base with grins on their faces. As their drone was about to spy on Grian, a creeper hybrid swoop in the Con Corp's security room.
"Hey Cub, you won't mind if I-" Doc stopped as he sees Cub and Scar watching their screen tv security system, with an image of Grian fixing his potatube.
"Are you two spying on the server?" He asked with disbelief.
"Umm..." Scar mumbled as Doc looked betrayed.
"You two promised to only use those drones when it counts, not for your own entertainment?!" Doc says angrily.
Scar was about to say something until they saw something shocking on the screen. Grian hit a trident on the floor, revealing the poultry cave. That's when Doc started smirking.
"You know what? I'll let you two off the hook. Only because I want revenge from Grian for touching my bush." He says as he leaves the room.
Cub sighed in relief.
"So glad we went to Grian's base first" Scar nodded as he leads the drone back to Con Corp. It was well time fun, but it was about time to bring it back before any of the hermits finds a suspicious object in the sky. As they went outside to get the drone, Scar sadly smiled at Cub.
"Too bad we had to stop" he says disappointingly.
"Who said we can't stop, it just begun." Says Cub, smirks.
Scar paused for a moment before he realized what Cub meant. He smirked at him.
..... districts.....
As Stress passed by Cub and Scar, they pretended to smell something;
"Scar, is it just me or does something smell eggy?" Says Cub as Stress flinched, trying not to react.
" not sure Cub, hope someone wasn't using the wrong shampoo. Almost like the smell is from a certain someone's head" he says trying not to laugh. Stress blushed embarrassingly as she flies away quickly. All she left was Cub and Scar laughing.
.... Mumbo's Base....
Mumbo was adding end rods to his base, and he came across a chest in the middle of his base. He looked inside and was dumbstrucked
"H-how?" He asked to himself as his face was flushed red of embarrassment. It was a picture of him doing the Macarena this morning. And there was a book beside the picture. He read out loud:

"Mumbo Jumbo, the Macarena dancer, so terrible that we both died from laughter. God bless Mumbo bless! You shouldn't have done that in a dress..

   _*** & ****

P.S. you really need dancing lessons from Con Corp

Mumbo glared at the book suspiciously, having an idea who gave blackmailed the pic.
.... Grian's base....
Cub and Scar flew in the tall structured building, landing near the upset blonde.
"Woah Grian! You seem upset, what happened?" Cub asked, this time actually confused since he never did anything to him.
"Look down" Grian said as he points at the gap on the floor.
When Cub and Scar looked down, they saw a creepers everywhere. They both looked at each other, knowing who did this.
"It's not that bad" says Scar as Grian sighed.
"True, but didn't you see the potatube?" He says as the both looked at the farm surprised. It was filled with sooo~ many creepers. Even going near one would explode part of his base.
(Doc was somewhere else grinning like an idiot. "That's what happens when you touch the bush.")
"I see why." Says Scar scratching his head. "After all, your job as poultry man is to protect chickens (including the villagers in the tube) from anything like creepers exploding." He says smirking like an idiot."
Grian looked at those two with annoyance "How many times have I told you, I'm-NOT-Poultry-Man! It's the man in the chicken costume!" He says angrily as Cub and Scar chuckled with the hermit.
"Whatever you say hot potato" Cub says with a smile. " You actually look cute frustrated, it's like when a big brother teases the little brother" He said with a teasing voice. Scar tried not to laugh while Grian blushed embarrassingly.
"Come on, let's get rid of them" says Scar as he gets his trident from his inventory. But before he can do anything, he and Cub got tackled on the ground by an angry Mumbo and Stress.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TWO SET THIS ALL UP!!" They said as the continue strangling them. The poor con corp duo hastily running around Grian's base from an angry duo forgetting that they had elytra but were to busy escaping.
"COME BACK HERE" Mumbo and Stress yelled as Grian just took out the creepers one by one, not even caring about the whole scene happening. "Watch out for the random shulker boxes?" Says Grian calmly as a thud was heard on the background. Cub fell, getting pinned by Mumbo as Stress continues chasing Scar.
"Seriously Grian?" Cub says in his uncomfortable position and face on the white-concrete ground. With a mustache hermit on top of him.
"Meh" Grian responded, continuing to kill the creepers.

The End......                                                                                                      

... Bonus Chapter...
Iskall continues singing in the shower. Not knowing what was happening in the server, nor knew he was in the shower for hours, not knowing it was already 11:01 am.
"Mumbo Jumbo you are afk, I'm gonna take that mustache away" he sang happily. Sadly, no one was here to listen.

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