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Again I'm back to tag again. Tagged by Unicornthalady.

1. What's your favourite color?
I like lighter or darker blue, turquoise and tan.

2. Do you trust your friends?
At this point, I really don't trust any of my friends..... (no offense)

My reason:

My friends who used to be my classmates, would always gossip about this particular girl because my whole class hates her (except me, welp. I don't hold grudges)

Their not bullying the girl ok! But this girl changed in 6th grade and started to... you know... you could say she sometimes say gossips to other people about one of our classmates even though it's actually not true.

Ok, the main point is  that they sometimes secretly talk about why they hate this person or that. So I have trust issues when I talk to them. (But were all friends here, ok?!)

3. Who's your favourite person on the internet?

becca4leafclover her stories are really fascinating. And she really is a great gal. ;)

KaitouDarkHeart12 close friends, and anime lover

Unicornthalady  a really funny person and fun to chat with

chickenshaman I think the reason why we got closer was because of your sister XD, but your comments were very interesting

thebirdfantasy she's a really funny person and also does this challenges that I like join ;)

4. Have you ever have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
No .-.
I'll get one once I finish school

5. What was the weirdest thing that ever happened in your life?

There was a boy who used to be my classmate from kinder 1 to 2nd grade. And we were very close. (I had three boys who were my close friends)

One day during recess, I was heading to the food court for a snack till the boy joined me. Ofc I didn't mind..... then suddenly he said this....

"Hey..... will you be my girlfriend after were done with college?"

And I was shock that he had feelings for me, so I said "maybe"

And when I told my parents, my mother was like "he is a cute boy, and your first friend in nursery"  she was freaking shipping us!

Although that was years ago, so I don't know he still has feelings for me. Until me friend who studies at my old school told me that those three boys still miss me. (The two boys liked me as a friend, one of them was gay 0-o)

But it was nice that they still remember me ^·^



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