Please come down

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Guees what? I'm finally writing a story about TFC.

Hooray! ^°^

This story was inspired by a song I found from a touching fanfiction.

*cough coughLuigicough*

The song is called "Astronauts by Simple Plan". Go check out the song before reading this.

~~~TFC's POV~~~

I walked around my bunker, preparing for the demise game. But let's all be honest here, I already got the bunker and the armour to prepare for the game. All I have to do is not die, easy peasy!

Though I don't want to be too paranoid about the game so I just went on with my day and expanded part of my bunker.

There wasn't that much activity going on in the server, no further announcements, no further events. It was mostly peaceful..... Well, aside from the animal noises, it felt a bit relaxing..... For now.

I walked down the stone hallways in my base. I left my armour and weapons in a separated chest after letting my body rest a bit from all that heavy armour. Even though it risked getting killed from other's traps.

But before I was able to walk to the end, the wall started shaking slightly, and lights kept flickering non-stop.

The ground started trembling, the tiny rocks started jumping all over the place, and a sound of a crack echoed through the stone brick hallways. Before I could react, I looked above to see the cieling slowly crumbling. It didn't last long, the cieling just fell on top of me, leaving me unconscious.......


My eyes slowly opened, every part of my body felt a jolting pain, especially my right arm. I held my bruised arm as I tried standing up. It looks like part of the cieling collapsed in between me and the entrance. When I looked back, the end hallway was also caved in...

I hesitantly used my left arm to retrieve the communicator on my right pocket. I tried checking if anyone was online, a few hermits were..... But I can't contact them. All I hear was static on the other line, the signal can't reach through here. Curse this unexpected earthquake.

"Am I stuck down here?"


I sat down, leaning on the crumbled bricks. My bruise was still left untreated and I was still hanging on. I knew trying to escape is pointless if I have an injured arm, plus all my armour and weapons were at the other side of the hallway.

I don't think anyone will find me here, even if I still hope they will. But why would they be concerned for an old man like me? Heck they don't even know that I'm missing. I've been trapped here for a few hours now and my body started to feel weaker and weaker....

Let's face it no one can help me..... They'll probably realize that I'm gone once my entire self no longer exist. I was never really particularly close to anyone this server.

I leaned forward a bit, wrapping my arms around my knees. I slightly felt a cold chill from the tiny gap between the rocks, at least I have some wind. There was nothing for me to do here, I was trap.... All I could do was sing to myself, at least try to calm my nerves a bit.

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