A message to Fade

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I think I once did this to Dark Moon before, unless if anyone but her remembered. XD

But I'll just do this because my explanation was hella long!

But to faded_instinct, I read your recent book.

I just wanna say.... I actually understand what you mean.

I'm not that type of person who says they understand people's life, but I genuinely understand what your feeling right now.

I have the same situation, you just want to keep writing, keep that motivation. But school would keep you busy for like a week. And when you come back to Wattpad, you actually don't know if you should write.

And you start getting less notifications, almost like you slowly started being forgotten. Soon enough you ask yourself "Do you even have the reason to write?"

This is what I'm experiencing too!

I never really was that kind of girl who would get depressed or have problems at home. But I just have trust issues with others, but that's normal for other people.

But.... It's when you ask yourself "Does it matter if anyone cares about you?" "Do I even feel needed?" Or "Is it better to stay away from them?"

I think that's the one depressing experience I have in my life tbh. XD

Enough with my life. I just wanna say that if you want to keep writing then I have my support. ;)

Whether the readers actually like what we write or not, just no that your not experiencing this alone.

I too am experiencing this.

(faded_instinct seriously, this is how much I'm concerned about your well being. I'm literally telling my problem that I tend to hide from others because talking about my personal stuff just make things overwhelmingly cringey for me. -.-)

But really, good luck for you to the nearby future! Hope you find your motivation again. ;)

-Keichi Akechi

And now you know what I'm actually dealing with, shoot!

But you know me, I'll be there to help! ;D

But anyways, I'll have to continue my murder mystery book now, cya!

P.S do not take my explanation offensively, I am trying to be helpful to others. ^°^

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Reflecting the sea
Ladies and gents! ;)

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